Chapter 9

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"I told you that would happen," Lisa playfully scolded, walking into her apartment with her phone pressed against her ear. She could hear Jennie whining and couldn't help but grin, "Are you pouting right now?"

Jennie grumbled, "No."

Lisa laughed as she dropped her keys on the side table and removed her shoes, "I could tell you're pouting right now."

"I'm not. That's just how I sound when I'm upset that the puppy ran away from me! I just wanted to say hi!"

"Just because you wanted to say hi doesn't mean the puppy wanted to. Did the owner give you permission to say hi to their dog?" Lisa asked, dropping her bag and plopping onto her couch. She could hear Jennie huffing and she couldn't help but laugh even more.

It had been 2 weeks since they went to the street food market and since then, Lisa entered a new routine. She'd go home and either call Jennie or Jennie would call her. They basically called each other every single day and when they didn't call, it only meant they were hanging out at either Jennie's or Lisa's place.

"Pfft, it's their loss!"

Lisa chuckled, "Yes, yes it is." She placed the phone down on her coffee table and pressed the speaker button before adjusting herself on the couch till she was laying down, staring up at the ceiling, "You would not believe my day."

"What happened?" Jennie asked. Lisa exhaled, covering her eyes with her arm,

"My manager embarrassed me in front of a group of customers because I didn't, quote on quote, clean the table right." Lisa internally whined like a child thinking back on all the looks the customers sent her with her manager belittling her. Some held judgment, some held pity.

"Just say the word and I'll have her fired." She heard Jennie scowl from the phone. Jennie was really protective over Lisa's feelings and emotions. She always remained considerate, something Lisa had grown to really appreciate. Lisa laughed quietly,

"I know you could." She sighed once more, "I'd do anything to quit." Jennie hummed in agreement.

"Then why don't you?"

"Easier said than done." As much as Lisa would love to quit, she had no other plans. What would happen if she quit? She'd be happy, that was a for sure statement but her bank account wouldn't be.

"What's your dream job then?" Jennie asked. "If you could do anything, anything at all, what would you do?" Lisa pondered for a moment, a little taken back by a question no one had asked her in a long time. It really had been a long time since she thought about her dream life. She blushed a bit,

"Well— I don't know, it's silly." Lisa said, feeling shy suddenly. She could hear Jennie giggling quietly,

"Nothing you ever say is silly to me." That statement alone had Lisa's heart thundering all over again. Jennie had a thing with words and Lisa always found it hard to focus. "Come on, tell me."

"I'd love to own my own dance studio."

"That's not silly at all. You like to dance?" She could hear the smile in Jennie's tone. She sounded excited to hear something new about Lisa. If anything, Jennie enjoyed learning about Lisa. Just as much as Lisa loved learning about Jennie.

"I love to dance. I've been saving up to own a studio but it's been hard." Lisa admitted. Growing up, she had entered multiple dancing competitions and won many. She nearly won every single one of them. As a kid, she had a whole future planned in her head. Little did she know how difficult adult hood truly is.

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