Please don't kill me part 2 Juuzou x Ghoul!reader

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Thanks @DianaMontHer for the suggestion ^_^
Six years later
(You are not dating/married to Ayato! It was a friend/coworker with benefits thing!)
The rain poured down on you as you waited. Waiting had become sort of a habit of yours since he was always late.
"(Y/n)!" You heard him yell and you looked to your side to see Ayato standing with your daughter on the other side of the street. As soon as the street was clear he ran over to you with her on his heals.
"Mommy!" Your daughter called as she ran over to you, hugging you tightly.
"Hey pumpkin. How was the weekend? Did you and daddy have fun?" You asked in a sweet tone. She nodded eagerly and smiled at Ayato.
"We went to the aquarium and then we had dinner at Anteiku with aunt Touka." She said happily. You smiled and took her hand.
"Thanks again, Ayato. I was just so busy with work I couldn't take care of her." You said.
"It's no problem. Besides, I wanted to spend time with my little princess." He said, ruffling her blue locks. She giggled and hit his hand.
"Stop it daddy!" She said through her giggles. He chuckled and smiled.
"We should get going before you catch a cold Emma. I'll call you tonight." You said and Ayato nodded, hugging Emma before walking in the direction of his apartment. You started walking towards your small apartment, the rain pouring down on the two of you. You had given birth to Emma about four years ago, and she was growing up nicely. She had Ayato's blue locks and your (e/c) eyes. She had a short temper like him but your brains, so she knew when to contain her anger. And despite being in a relationship with Ayato when you got pregnant, he helped you a lot with everything from buying stuff for the baby to cooking you dinner and helping you at home. You had to stop hunting with Aogiri and were now the one that planed everything. You were the one that told them were it was best to hunt and how to avoid the Doves.
"Mommy, I'm tired." You heard Emma whine next to you. You let go of her hand and picked her up, holding her tightly in your arms.
"We're almost home." You whispered soothingly, pulling the hood of her pink raincoat over her head. You turned a corner and stopped dead in your tracks. Just a few feet way from you, two Dover were standing over a ghoul. One had a big scythe buried in the ghouls chest. You backed away, only to walk straight into someone's chest.
"Look what we got here boys, a witness." You turned around to see another Dove behind you, a smirk on his face.
"Hey, Suzuya-san, look. Do you think she's a ghoul?" One of them asked. The one with the scythe pulled it out of the ghoul, blood splattering everywhere. You knew him, you just didn't remember how. You remembered his white locks, the big scythe, the weird clothes. Then you remembered.
"Juuzou?" You asked cautiously. He turned around, his crimson eyes locking on you. Your (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, and (s/c) skin. He had been wanting to meet you again for a long time. He stepped closer, but stopped when he saw the child in your arms.
"Mommy, why did you stop?" Emma looked up at you, rubbing her eye sleepily.
"It's okay pumpkin. We'll be home soon." You whispered, smiling slightly at her. She nodded and buried her head in your neck.
"(Y/n)-chan~" He said, smiling. You backed away again, making sure to move past the Dove behind you.
"I have to go." You started walking in the direction of your home again only to be stopped by the two other Doves.
"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart. We have to kill you since you're a witness." The one that had been behind you said, grabbing your arms. You shook him off, setting Emma down and handing her your phone.
"Call daddy, okay. Tell him were close to out house, kay?" She nodded and dialed Ayato's number. You reached into your coat and took out her mask along with yours, thankful that Uta had offered to make a mask for her. You handed it to her and she put it on. It was a small pink mask that looked like a cat with a little pink bow, really cute compared to the scary wolf mask you had. Since Juuzou had destroyed your last mask, Uta made another for you from a stronger material that still looked the same.
"Who the hell do you think I am?" You said as you looked at the Dove, your eyes turning red as your (f/c) kagune burst out. The Doves backed away, realizing who you were. Before having Emma, you had been sort of known for killing Doves and humans randomly, and seemingly not for food.
"The wolf..." The Dove trailed off. You nodded slowly and walked closer to him, raising your kagune higher. He took out his quinque, getting into a defensive position. You lunged yourself at him, hitting him fiercely with your kagune, making him bleed.
"Mommy!" You turned around to see one of the Doves aiming their quinque at her. You were about to help her when the other one hit you hard in the back. Blood gushed from the wound as you fell to your knees, screaming in pain. You stood up, running towards Emma when the Dove was hit in the shoulder by something sharp. Ayato ran to his daughter, punching the Dove in the face.
"Get the hell away from her!" He yelled as he hit him again with his crystals, this time more of them and faster until he fell to the ground, dead.
"Daddy, help mommy." Emma whispered and he nodded, shooting at the other Dove. But he somehow dodged it, his quinque turned into a sort of shield. Ayato growled, lunging himself at the Dove. But before he could reach, the Dove was already dead. Juuzou stood there, blood splattering over him as his scythe slashed through the other Dove.
"I never really liked him anyway." He said smiling. Ayato growled, preparing to fight him as well.
"Stop, he's okay. He won't hurt us." You said, standing up. You coughed up a little blood and quickly wiped it from your lips, trying to hide it.
"Are you okay?" You heard Ayato asked, his voice sounding concerned. You nodded.
"No, you're not (y/n)-chan~ There's a deep cut in your back and you just coughed up blood. We need to get you home and clean you up." Juuzou spoke up, earning a low growl from Ayato.
"It's okay daddy, he's not bad." Emma said as she walked to you, clinging to Ayato's sleeve.
"Who are you anyway?" Ayato asked angrily.
"Second grade investigator Juuzou Suzuya. It's nice to meet you~" He said. Ayato huffed, wrapping and arm around you to help you stand.
"And your daughters right. I would never hurt (y/n)-chan. But if you weren't the father of her daughter, I wouldn't hesitate to kill you~" Juuzou said, smiling wickedly. Ayato was about to say something, but you interrupted him.
"Are there any other Doves in the area?" You asked. Juuzou nodded.
"There are a few further down the street, but I can tell them to move on." You nodded.
"Do it." Ayato ordered. Juuzou picked up a radio and said something about the street being clear and moving on. You walked to your apartment and Ayato helped you up the stairs and laid you down on your bed.
"I'll get the medical cit. Wait here." You nodded and he went to find it. Juuzou was standing at the door, waiting for you to tell him to leave. But you didn't. And he stayed. Ayato wrapped you up and decided it would be best if he would take Emma back to his place, just in case, and told you he would call you in the morning to check if you were okay. After that, he left with Emma, leaving you with Juuzou.
"Why are you just standing there? Sit down." You mumbled weakly. He sat down on the edge of your bed, his head in his hands.
"I don't understand~" Juuzou whispered, almost inaudible.
"What don't you understand?" You asked, sitting up.
""Why did I help you? I'm supposed to kill ghouls, I like killing ghouls. But for some reason, I can't seem to kill you (y/n)-chan~" He said, his voice confused. You thought about it for a while, before coming up with an answer.
"Maybe you care to much about me." He nodded.
"That could be it, 'cause after I met you I started tracking you, trying to find you again."
You shook your head, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I didn't mean like that." You whispered. He looked at you, confused.
"Then what did you mean?" He asked, his voice low. You leaned in closer, your warm breath tickling his cheek.
"I meant that you liked me romantically. Or just sexually." He turned around completely, now facing you.
"That could also be a possibility, (y/n)-chan~" His voice was sweet, laced with the wickedness you found so alluring. He leaned in closer so his lips grazed your's lightly. You moved your hand to the back of his neck, entangling your fingers in his white locks, tugging lightly as you kissed him lightly. You backed away, giving him room on the bed as he crawled closer to you. You laid down as he moved over you, his face inches from yours as he pinned you to the bed. You kissed him again, this time deepening it by pulling him closer to you. He licked your lower lip, asking for entrance which you gladly granted, letting him explore your wet caverns with his tongue. You broke away for air, both panting.
"So, I'm guessing you're no longer with the father of your daughter?" Juuzou asked between pants.
"Yeah, him and I were never really together. It was just sort of a sex friend deal." He nodded.
"Just making sure that you were all mine~" He whispered seductively in your ear.
Your phone buzzed again, but you ignored it, too tired to even move.
"Why isn't she answering." Ayato growled as he took his coat off the couch, putting it on.
"Emma, we're going to mommy's. Get dressed." He yelled. Emma came running down the stairs, already dressed in her pink raincoat and with her pink boots in her hands.
"It's not raining princess, why are you wearing a rain coat?" Ayato asked, putting on his shoes.
"Because, mommy gave it to me and it's really pretty." She said, putting on her boots.
"Fine, whatever. Let's go." He said, taking her hand as they walked out into the cold morning.
A few minutes later...
"(Y/n)! (Y/n) open the door!" Ayato yelled for the billionth time.
"Daddy, why don't you just use the spare key?" Emma asked innocently. Ayato looked at her, his brows furrowed.
"What spare key?" He asked.
"The one under the flower pot." She said, pointing to a small flower pot beside your door. He smiled and ruffled the girls blue hair.
"Man, I love you." He said, picking up the flower pot and getting the key.
"I love you to daddy." She said, smiling. He unlocked the door, opening it and stepping inside.
"Wait right here princess." He said and she nodded, sitting down next to the flower pot. He walked through the whole apartment to make sure you weren't murdered somewhere, and when he was satisfied he went to your bedroom. A choice he would regret for the rest of his life.
"Suzuya!!" Ayato roared. You were lying next to Juuzou in your bed, his arms wrapped around your waist and both of you naked.
"Ah, Kirishima-san. Nice to see you~" Juuzou said, a big smirk on his face. You blushed a deep red and buried your face in your pillow, avoiding Ayato's angry glare.
"(Y/n), a word." Ayato said coldly. You nodded and grabbed your panties amd Juuzou's shirt from the floor before standing up and following Ayato to the hall.
"Seriously! You slept with a Dove!"

This was so fun to write!! I hope you guys liked it. Oh, and just to let you know, if you want lemons you have to request it, cuz I'm no good at that and I won't do one unless it's requested. Thank you for reading, and please vote and comment and feel free to request whatever you want and I'll write it. I can't promise that it'll be good, but I'll do my best. And if you feel uncomfortable requesting in the comments you can send me a message. I love you all!
-KiritoGasai16/Annkary ^_^

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