Bad blood Vampire!Juuzou x Reader

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You took a deep breath before gulping down another sip of the burning liquid. You gagged, making your friends laugh as you passed the bottle to Ayato, who took a large swig and didn't even flinch.
"How do you like that? It's disgusting." You said as you wiped your mouth of any leftovers.
"It's not disgusting, it just takes a little while to get used to." Touka said as she took the bottle from Ayato. You were sat in the park with your friends, sharing a bottle of vodka in the middle of the night, chatting about what your plans were for after graduating from high school.
"I think Harvard would be a good choice for me." Ayato said in a slurred voice, making everyone giggle both at his joke and voice. You smiled to yourself as you took out your phone, looking at the clock. You sighed and stood up.
"It's getting late, I should head home." You said, earning displeased sounds from your friends. You smiled at them and patted Ayato on the head.
"Sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you guys later." You waved as you walked away from your friends and to your house a couple blocks away. You walked up the steps to your front door and put the key in, unlocking the door and stepping in. You put your jacket on the back of the door and walked into your kitchen, grabbing bottle of water before walking up the stairs to your room. You closed the door behind you and walked straight to your desk and sat down, not bothering to turn on the light. You turned on your computer and went online, sending a message to your friend that lived far away. You had never actually met her, but you had talked to her every day for about a year. The only facts you knew about her were that she was one year younger than you and her name was Zoe.
YOU: Hey, I just got home from the park! Had my first drink, and it was absolutely disgusting!
You opened your water bottle, taking a sip and failing to notice the person standing behind you.
Zoe: You just have to get used to it! Was it any fun?
You: Yeah, it was awesome! Ayato was so drunk and it was hilarious!!
Zoe: Haha, it sounds really fun! But I have to go, my mom is telling me to get of my computer and go out. I'll message you tomorrow!
You: Okay, have fun! Bye!
Zoe: I will...not. Bye!
You smiled to yourself as you opened Google Crome and went on Kiss Anime, clicking your library and the next episode of a new anime you were watching. The episode had just started when you heard something behind you. You quickly spun around, but saw nothing, so you shrugged it of and continue watching. You heard something again and turned around, this time turning on the flashlight in your phone. You shone it at the room, but nothing was out of the ordinary. You stood up, your heart starting to beat slightly faster as you walked slowly towards your bedroom door.You reached your hand toward the light switch, but felt something hard and warm under your hand. You yelped as you jumped back, seeing a boy with crimson eyes and white hair standing in front of the door, baring his sharp fangs. He hissed at you, making you giggle. He opened his eyes and pouted, grossing his arms over his chest as you continued to giggle uncontrollably. Once your giggling had lessened, you wiped tears from your eyes as you looked the vampire in the eyes.
"I'm sorry, it was just so funny!" You said, chuckling when he tried to look angry. He sighed, making you stop laughing.
"What is it?" You asked, now concerned.
"I just miss the time when you were actually scared of me." He said in a nostalgic tone. You gasped and hit him hard in the arm, but he didn't even flinch.
"I was never scared of you Juuzou!" You said, making him smile. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
"Yes you were~" He whispered into your ear, making you shiver.
"Never." You breathed, and he shook his head.
"You were terrified." He said, placing a light kiss on your neck. You shook your head, shivering as he trailed his sharp fangs on your soft skin, drawing a little blood, but not much, and lapping it all up, not letting a single drop get away. You let out a low chuckle, making him groan as he let go of your neck.
"You're mean (y/n)-chan!" He whined, a pout on his slightly bloody lips. You scoffed.
"Says the guy who broke into my house and almost gave me a heart attack!" You whisper yelled, trying not to wake up your parents. Juuzou smirked.
"So I did scare you?" He asked, arching and eyebrow.
"Only because I didn't know it was you! It could've been another dangerous vampire or something!" You said, pouting. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your shoulders, stroking your hair gently.
"Sure..." He said sarcastically, and you hit him again.
"Owiiii! Stop hitting me!" He whined into your hair.
"Only if you stop being mean to me." You demanded, not pleased with your boyfriends behavior. He smiled. He loved you so much, he would never let anyone hurt you, ever. What he didn't know is that you could never been scared of him, and even after such a long time being with him, he still made your heart beat faster and your stomach fill with butterflies.
"I promise I'll stop being mean to you, (y/n)-chan." He whispered and you smiled, your heart beating faster.
"And you have to tell me you'll love me forever and never leave me." You whispered, surprising him. His heart beat faster, but he wasn't nervous. He kissed your head lovingly, hugging you tightly.
"I'll never ever leave you, (y/n)-chan. I love you way to much to even think about that." He whispered, making you smile as you wrapped your arms around him, burying your head in his chest.
"I love you to Juuzou. So much." You whispered. He looked at the clock behind you and sighed.
"I better go. It's late and you need to sleep." He said, letting you go. You frowned. You didn't want him to leave. You thought for a moment before speaking.
"You could sleep here, with me." You suggested. His eyes lit up and he smiled.
"Really?" He asked, his heart beating way to fast. You nodded, suddenly shy as a blush coated your cheeks. He smiled brightly.
"I'd like that." He said, and your blush deepened. You nodded and walked over to your drawer, opening one of the drawers and pulling out a T-shirt and fluffy socks.
"I don't have anything in your size, so you'll have to sleep in your shirt. Is that okay?" You asked. He nodded.
"That's fine." You smiled.
"Okay...So, I'm gonna change..." You said, hinting for him to turn around. He figured it out and quickly turned around, a slight blush on his cheeks. You changed as quickly as you could, not noticing that Juuzou had been stealing glances at you the whole time, admiring your beauty. Once you had changed, things got a little more awkward since you both just stood there, looking at the suddenly very interesting floor. Juuzou was the one to finally break the silence.
"So, are we gonna go to sleep or are we just gonna stand here?" He asked with a slight chuckle, making you giggle.
"We should go to sleep." You said and he nodded. You both climbed into the bed and pulled the duvet over you, snuggling together. He turned you around, spooning you and making your heart flutter in your chest. You had done stuff like this a couple times before, but it always made you nervous and excited at the same time. You snuggled against him and closed your eyes, falling asleep and dreaming of the best night of your life.
The night was dark as you opened the door of the café and stepped out, locking it behind you. The moon shone bright in the sky, illuminating the whole park with a cool glow. You felt your phone buzz in your jacket pocked at picked it up, opening the message from your mom.
'We're going to bed, there's dinner in the fridge. Love you -mom'
You smiled and put the phone back into your pocket, starting to walk down the vacant streets of the small park. It had been a very long day at work, and your heart was longing for your books and computer. But there was something wrong. Something didn't feel right. Usually there were a few people in the park, but there was no one. You scanned the area, suddenly getting anxious to get home as your pace quickened. You felt your heart beating in your chest, and immediately stop when you heard something. It sounded like someone kissing, but it wasn't right. I wasn't natural. You turned toward the sound, but immediately regretted it when you saw where the sound was coming from. A man twice the size of you was holding a young woman up by her neck, his eyes glowing crimson and the moonlight reflecting on his sharp fangs that were digging into the woman's neck. You gasped and backed away but tripped on something on the ground. The man heard you and looked up, letting the woman drop to the ground, lifeless. He sneered at you, his mouth covered in blood.
"What are you doing out alone, so late at night?" He asked, his voice rough like sandpaper on stone. You flinched as he got closer, your heart beating rapidly as fear started to take over you.
"Are you afraid of me?" He asked, but you didn't answer. He took that as a yes. His smile showed off his blood covered teeth, scaring you even more.
"Good. I like it when they're scared." He said, stroking your cheek with his bloody hand.
"Jason, have you come back for a rematch?" A childlike voice asked from behind you. You wanted to turn around, but you were frozen by fear. The man, Jason, looked up, his smile fading.
"No, just wanted a quick bite." Jason said, his smile now small and submissive.
"Didn't I tell you that I would kill you if you ever hunted on my territory again?" The voice asked, making Jason growl in response. He didn't seem to like the owner of the voice one bit.
"I don't recall." Jason said, sounding frustrated, but you could hear the slight shaking in his voice.
"Let me refresh your memory~" There was a flash of white, and then there was blood everywhere. You closed your eyes, shaking when you smelled blood in the air.
"Are you hurt?" The voice asked, and you dared to open your eyes. And that is a choice you would never regret. He was beautiful. His white hair swayed slightly in the breeze, bringing out his beautifully crimson eyes. He reached out his hand to you and helped you stand up. The scene before you was horrible. Jason was basically turned to a bloody mush, his entire skeleton crushed to bits. You looked at the boy, who didn't seem much older than you.
"Did you do that?" You asked with a shaky voice.
"Yeah, but I won't hurt you~" The boy said with a smile.
"How can I be sure?" You asked, still shaking, but more confident than before. The boy smiled a toothy smile, showing of his sharp fangs.
"I only hurt the ones with bad blood. And your blood is pure. I've never seen anyone with pure blood before~" He said with a fascinated look, and you knew that you wouldn't be getting away from that boy any time soon.

Oh yeah! I finished it! I am exhausted! I mean seriously it's 01:55 AM! I am too tired! But I wanted to finish this so yeah, I did! And I sincerely hope you guys like it! Oh, and sorry if I disappoint you, but this is not named after the incredibly annoying (no offense if you like it) Taylor Swift song that is basically on replay on every radio station, but the awesome song by Bastille! And just to let you guys know I have no requests right now so I'm all ears if you wanna request anything at all! I do have an idea for a oneshot if I don't get any requests, but I really like doing requests! So please vote and comment and feel free to request anything at all either by commenting or sending me a message, either is fine! I love you guys so much! And thank you for getting this story to 2k reads!
            -KiritoGasai16/Annkary ^_^

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