Does it rain in heaven?

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Warnings: mentions of torture and murder. I don't really put warnings anymore but I felt it was necessary as I felt a bit disturbed by some parts of this story.
It's bxb btw

The rain. The sound of it. The smell of it. It always calmed him down. As he sat by his desk writing down all the things he wanted to say he listened to the rain. The gentle thud of the drops hitting the windows mixed with the sound of the pen gliding across the paper soothing his worried mind. The sound of rain was such a beautiful sound. He was almost finished writing the note, smiling gently as he wrote down the words that had been crowding his head for so long. When he finished he placed the pen down onto the piece of paper on the middle of the desk and walked over to the window. Juuzou was stood by his car next to the curb. His white hair was soaked and sticking to his forehead, but he was smiling up at (Y/N). It made the butterflies in his stomach swirl around as they always did when he saw Juuzou. It had been like that since they first met, just barely eight months ago.

"Can you believe this? How disgusting." (Y/N)'s father spat in disgust as the family walked past the pride parade. Everyone in the family looked at the people in the parade with pure disgust, all except for one. (Y/N) looked at it with slight wonder in his eyes, but soon forced it out and replaced it with the same disgust he had been raised to feel. Being gay was a sin, he knew that. It was disgusting. But lately, his thoughts had been changing and he didn't like it. But without his knowledge his disgust was slowly but surely being replaced with a feeling of curiosity. He wanted to know more about this thing that he had been raised to despise. As the family walked along the parade grew more crude, the rainbows replaced with topless men in leather pants. His parents pulled his younger siblings as far away from the parade as they could, shielding their eyes from the disgusting sight. But as the whole family cringed in disgust (Y/N) felt his heart beat faster and a heat bubble in his stomach. He started walking slower, taking in every detail on the chest of a very muscular man who was thrusting his hips forward. But the poor kid was never known for being lucky. His father turned around and saw his oldest son gawking at topless men, and of course the extreme christian overreacted.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled at him, his face red and angry. (Y/N)'s eyes widened and his mouth opened as if he was about to excuse himself, but he didn't get the chance before his father grabbed his arm and started dragging him harshly down the street. He didn't let go of (Y/N) until he had locked him in his room. (Y/N) was forced to sit there and pray to God that him looking wasn't a good enough reason to send him to a conversion camp. Luckily for him it wasn't enough and he was let off with a warning. But one more strike and he was gone. A week later (Y/N) was walking home from school when a classmate of his ran up to him with a smirk and handed him a piece of paper with a website name on it. It was pretty obvious by the name what was on the site, but he went on the home computer and typed it in anyway. As soon as the page loaded loud moans filled the living room, echoing throughout the house. His little brother screamed loudly when he saw what was on the screen, grabbing their father's attention. He was pulling (Y/N) up by his hair seconds later, screaming into his face. And not an hour later (Y/N) was thrown into his parent's minivan and driven out of town. They were in the middle of nowhere by dinner time, driving through the white gates of the conversion camp. His parents didn't even say goodbye before a staff member was pulling him into a large cabin where about twenty other 15-25 year old guys were sat in a circle. (Y/N) was sat down in the circle, next to a guy a little older than him with stubble growing on his chin and another guy his age with blond hair. And then the talking started. They didn't say anything about what they would be doing over the course of the next month, only saying that they would be woken up at eight every day, that there would be three meals a day and that each cabin would have one staff member and four campers except for one which would have one staff member and five campers. Then they were divided into groups, assigned a staff member and lead to their cabins. His cabin looked pretty nice. Everything was wood, a dark green carpet under a wooden table with a sofa next to it. Way in the back were four bunk beds and one mattress placed in between the bunks. The hard mattresses were covered with scratchy green checkered blankets and even the pillows were hard as rocks. (Y/N) climbed up to one of the top bunks and threw his bag into the closet that reached all the way to the ceiling. As he leaned against the hard wood walls he observed his roommates. There was the oldest out of them all, Jeremy, with warm brown eyes and dark brown hair. His muscular body was only covered with a dark red flannel and jeans, showing his butt way more than was allowed there. Then there was Jason, the staff member and the only one the same age as Jeremy. He had brown eyes too, but his hair was almost white, his skin was a lot tanner and he was much less muscular than Jeremy. Then there was Mars, he seemed pretty nice. He was close to (Y/N)'s age, maybe a year older, with crystal blue eyes and a kind smile. And then there was this other boy. Juuzou. It was such a strange name. (Y/N) wasn't sure what language it was from. Juuzou was just as strange and unique as his name, with white hair and red eyes. (Y/N) had heard some of the staff members whispering about Juuzou being the devil. (Y/N) wasn't sure if he believed them or not. He didn't think Juuzou was a demon because of the way he looked but because of the way his body reacted to Juuzou's presence. He felt like there were feathers in his stomach and his heart started to beat faster, and he swore he could feel the same heat in his stomach as he had when he saw the man in the pride parade. Juuzou climbed up on the top bunk opposite (Y/N)'s and threw his bag into the closet by the foot of his bed and leaned his back against the wall just like (Y/N) was sitting. They looked each other in the eye for a bit, (Y/N)'s cheeks flushing red under Juuzou's stare. And then Juuzou's eyes started to slowly move down, his red eyes moving down to (Y/N)'s jaw, his neck, his chest, stomach, abdomen and were about to go lower but were interrupted by Jason's voice ringing through the cabin.

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