Juuzou x reader Colour

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She didn't feel it. Not really. It was too sudden for her to be able to register what was going on. There was just a loud crash and then everything was black. But what she felt is not important. What happened before is important.
The world is black and white. Not really, but it is until you find your soulmate. Most see the world in colour around the age of twenty, but some are unlucky. In some cases people's soulmates have died before they met so they never get to see colour. In some cases they just never meet, or meet later than usual. (Y/n) was one of the few people who hadn't found their soulmate before turning twenty four. She hated it, not having her soulmate. But one day she was just walking outside, passing tons of strangers when all of a sudden everything brightened up. Colour seeped into the world. Her eyes got wide and she looked around frantically. Then their eyes met. Her beautiful (e/c) eyes clashing with his crimson ones, and they felt whole for the first time in their lives. They had colour and they had each other. They didn't even speak, they just walked towards each other and kissed, and it was perfect. Everyone around them knew what was going on. The clapped and howled and whistled and the pair chuckled. That's what they were. A pair. The indestructible duo. He was a cop and she was, well, she was working on that. But she was smart, and Juuzou knew that. Every time he was stumped on a case he would ask her for help, and she could always help. She could fix anything and he could make everything right. They were perfect. The balanced each other out. But they weren't always happy. Sometimes Juuzou would disappear for days and (y/n) would be left alone, wondering where he was. There were days when (y/n) wouldn't leave the room and Juuzou would have to sleep on the couch since she wanted to be left alone. There were times they wanted nothing more than to break up. But then there was one day. One day when they were happy. And on that day Juuzou asked her if she wanted to marry him. She cried and screamed yes as she jumped into his arms. They both cried. A month later they were looking into each other's eyes and smiling as the priest rambled on and on about God and love and all that when all they wanted to do was just say yes. And then they did. They were happier than they had ever been. They moved to a new house and (y/n) started drawing and painting seriously. They were doing great. A year later and (y/n) came rushing out of their room screaming that they were having a baby. They were overjoyed, crying and jumping around. But then five months later, something just had to go wrong. (Y/n) felt a burning pain in her stomach. They rushed to the hospital and they got the bad news and (y/n) broke down. She did nothing but cry for months. Juuzou drowned himself in work. After that (y/n) only painted in black and white. They still sold, but she didn't put her soul into it. Two years later and they were finally okay again. They still mourned, but they were okay. They were laughing and smiling again. They were happy. They started traveling a bit, seeing the world. Four years later and Juuzou was doing great at his job. (Y/n) was a famous painter. And then one day she walked out into the living room with tears in her eyes and a smile, saying they were having a baby. But fate wasn't on their side. Everything was going great after one month. (Y/n) was just lounging in the living room watching anime when she got hungry, craving a bunch of apples all of a sudden. She would've asked Juuzou to go, but he was at work. So she got up and got in the car. Juuzou didn't know a thing. He was just sitting at his desk at work, looking out of the window at the blue sky. It was such a pretty blue. But then it wasn't blue anymore.

Juuzou Suzuya x Reader one shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now