Such a fool Fem!Juuzou x fem! Reader

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I can't believe this. I can't believe this happened. Why did this have to happen? Why did I have to fall for her? I'm such an idiot. But you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't worry, I don't mind telling you. Anyway, it started at the beginning of the school year, in September. I was just minding my own business, crushing on the popular girl in class like I had been for a couple years, the same girl who didn't know I existed, and I saw her. It was like a punch in the gut, like all the air got knocked out of me all at once. I froze completely, having to squeeze my books tightly so I wouldn't drop them. She was stunning, her white hair framing her face and her red eyes piercing through my soul. And her smile, jesus christ it could've melted me. She was beautiful and she just looked so carefree, something I most certainly am not, and never will be. Two months of pining over her I finally did something. I asked to talk to her and we went to a remote part of the school, and I told her. She grinned and stepped closer to me, her red eyes showing something I wasn't familiar with. And then she kissed me. She pushed me against the wall, her hands resting on my waist and my arms wrapping around her neck. We did this for about a month, meeting in remote locations and making out until we could barely breathe, then we fixed ourselves and went out separate ways, not talking to each other until either one sent a message saying she wanted to meet up. And this was fine. At first. But after a while of just meaningless kisses and groping, I wanted more. We ended up fighting. She sat there, staring at nothing and not saying anything as I screamed at her to just say something. But it was useless. She left when I couldn't scream anymore. We didn't talk to so long, but then, at the Winter formal, she talked to me again. She said she was sorry, and that she wanted me back, this time as more than just a quick peck. Of course with me being the lovesick idiot I am agreed immediately. And then we started going out. It was good. We dated for a year and we told each other everything. She went to me if there was something on her mind, and I went to her if I wasn't feeling good. But then school got harder, I got busy with my clubs and she got busy with martial arts, and we grew apart. And then a month after out senior year had started, I saw her downtown kissing some guy. I was furious. I stormed home and cried my eyes out as I broke things. And she had the nerve to come to my house the next day because she was worried about me. I screamed at her to go fuck herself and that I never wanted to see her again, and in the end my parents had to call my friend to come and hold me down so I could calm myself. She left. She ran away. Again. I didn't hear from her for a while after that, I only received a text saying we were broken up and then just radio silence. Then I saw her with that boy again, that stupid Touka guy, and I gave up. My friend patted my back and said I was too good for Juuzou, but I didn't believe her. Because after all that shit, I was still in love with her. I'm such a fool. I wish I had never laid eyes on that stupid, cheating Juuzou Suzuya.

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