Another life update!

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So, I've been going over this fic, reading the comments and seeing how many of you have started to read this, and it absolutely blows my mind, but I realized that I've forgotten to keep you guys updated on my surgical endeavors! So, first things first, I'm doing great! I've had three surgeries this year, but now I'm doing great. I can walk a short distance without crutches (though I waddle like a penguin), I've started sleeping a lot better, I haven't had many infections (even though I have one now), and physical therapy is going great! And I celebrated my birthday last week with my little red dude. And a girl that works in my local comicbook store has started calling me Iron Lady!! My doctor says everything looks great and we're gonna talk about my last surgery, in which they remove everything from my leg, in two weeks! So to sum up, everything is going great, I feel a lot better emotionally and physically. The emotional side is thanks to three things. First is my amazing psychiatrist who has helped me for many years and has given me great support through all of this. Second is a story I'm writing! And it's actually a happy one!! I mentioned it in one of my earlier oneshots I think. I'm really proud of it and I actually really like writing it! So if you want more of me then you can go check that out! And third is my amazing friend. I love her so much. Her name is Nikki and you can find her profile in the description on mine. She's one of the best people I know. She's helped me through so much and she's always there for me, so I'd like to thank her for that. So if you feel like it give my boo some love! She's a fantastic person and she really deserves it. But yeah, I'm doing good! And that's about all I can say! See ya!

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