A drop in the ocean

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He couldn't sleep. His thoughts were all over the place, staining the white walls of his bedroom. He knew he should be sleeping. He knew this was wrong, but he couldn't help it. He knew he shouldn't have fallen in love with her, but he just couldn't help it. She was just so kind, such an amazing person. She was so beautiful, he felt like he was staring at heaven when he was looking at her. She was his heaven. But she wasn't his. He eventually gave up, throwing off his duvet and walking out into the kitchen to get a snack. He ended up watching TV till dawn, finishing two bags of crisps and two liters of soda. He got dressed and had breakfast before leaving, walking the short way to school all too quickly. When he arrived in his first class no one was there and it was still a bit dark outside meaning only a few teachers and the absolute geeks had arrived. He slumped into his seat with a sigh, closing his eyes and leaning his head back.
"Juuzou, you okay?" He groaned out a 'leave me alone' before turning his head away, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Juju, class is starting, you need to wake up."  He opened his eyes with a tired moan, his bloodshot eyes met with her beautiful ones. Of course she had to be the one to wake him up.
"Didn't you get any sleep last night?" She questioned, ruffling his already messy hair with a grin.
"Not really." He mumbled, stretching out in the small seat.
"That's no good, you won't be able to focus if you don't sleep. You need to fix your sleeping schedule." She chuckled, her breathtaking eyes gleaming with joy.
"Can't argue with that." The teacher walked in then, barking out orders immediately. She ruffled his hair again before walking over to her table on the other end of the classroom, opening her books in the right place and looking up at the teacher with that focused expression she always had on when she was reading. He sighed, raking his hands through his hair. This was wrong. He shouldn't feel these things. But he did. It was still bad though. Of course he had to fall in love with her. He was a bit mad at her for doing this to him, for having such an effect on him. But he couldn't be mad at her. He could never be mad at her. All he could think about was her. He couldn't stop himself from staring at the way her hair was tucked behind her ear, the way she tapped the end of her pencil lightly against the table in sync with the beat of the song she had stuck in her head. His gaze moved from the way her shirt was falling off her shoulder, the way her skinny jeans shaped her legs and waist so perfectly, the way her toes tapped against the floor, a small click sounding throughout the room when the bottom of her converse hit the ground. But then he looked away, because he wasn't supposed to be staring. The class went by painfully slow and it took all his willpower not to stare again. When it was finally over he hurried out as fast as he could, speed walking to his next class to avoid talking to her. He had been avoiding her as much as he could the last month, because despite what he had originally thought, he wasn't getting better. His feelings were only growing deeper, his heart pulling with all it's might towards her and her kindness, humor and altogether amazing personality. So he couldn't talk to her as much, because it only made everything worse. He dumped his books onto the table with a frustrated sigh, slumping into his chair.
"Dude, you okay?" Hide chuckled from beside him, patting his back gently.
"Yeah, just tired, frustrated, disgusted with the world. But otherwise I'm fine." Juuzou mumbled, taking out his books.
"Jeez, lighten up. It can't be that bad." Hide grinned.
"Trust me, it's that bad."
When the bell finally rang he staggered out of the school, still tired beyond belief, and walked to the back of the school, sitting down on the steps in front of the bell-tower with his back against the stone wall. He glanced around the courtyard, taking in the people around him. There was a group of emos in one of the corners way in the back, sitting around with gloomy expressions and dressed in all black, their eyes lined with messily drawn eyeliner. Then there were the nerds, completely separate from the rest up against the fence. A few were studying and comparing notes while others were gushing about the latest fan theory and the newest expansion for games. The jocks and popular kids were all crowded together near the parking lot, the cheerleaders sitting on the hoods of their boyfriends way too expensive cars, twirling their hair between their fingers with fake smiles. He had never been one to believe in stereotypes, but the kids in his school didn't really help with how stereotypical they all were. And then sitting at one of the tables near the front doors was her, her legs crossed and her phone in her hands, her lips moving to a song. She was so beautiful. He was getting repetitive with how many times he thought it, but he didn't really care, she was too striking for him not to think so. He was like a fan. Not a stalker, he wasn't that bad. But he wasn't her boyfriend either, and they weren't extremely good friends, even though they were good friends. He was an admirer and he didn't really mind his role. Admirer and friend was better than stalker and stranger. She looked up and grinned at him, waving at him to join her. Sometimes he actually felt like he had a shot with her, but of course he didn't. Because at times like this, when he thought he had a shot, Hide would come up behind her, attacking her sides mercilessly with tickles and sending her into a fit of giggles. And then they would grin at each other and he would kiss her, both still smiling. And he would sit down, his arms still wrapped around her and his head on her shoulder. And Juuzou would have to stand up and join them, sit down next to them and smile and act like everything was fine and like he wasn't in love with his best friend's girlfriend, but he was. And she was in love with Hide, and Hide was in love with her. They were happy. And Juuzou was their friend. He could admire from a far if it meant they were happy. He'd be okay.

Juuzou Suzuya x Reader one shots [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now