Movie night Juuzou x anxious!reader

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Thanks Neptune1127 for the suggestion ^_^

You walked out of the school, smiling as you ran down the stairs and behind the big building. You went to the big tree near the school and sat down in front of it, taking a book from your bag and starting to read. You were waiting for Juuzou to finish up with detention for being rude to a teacher. He had told you you could go home and that he would just pick you up later, but you wanted to wait for him. So there you were, reading and waiting for your boyfriend. You were reading your favorite book for like the billionth time, but it calmed you. Any time you started to get worried and shake you would read it, and it calmed you. You were just reading calmly when you heard a voice behind you, a voice that sent chills down your spine.
"Look who it is, (y/n) (l/n). What a pleasure." You turned around to see Rize Kamishiro and her friends standing behind you. You put your book down, your hands starting to shake as you got nervous.
"What do you want Rize?" You said, your voice low and shaky.
"We want to play." Said Kaya Irimi. You stood up, picking up your bag and starting to walk away but Eto stopped you.
"Where do you think you're going?" She said, stepping closer to you, a wicked grin on her face. You stepped back, starting to breath heavily. They all gathered around you, all with wicked grins on their faces as their eyes seemed to turn red. You tried to back away, only to bump into Rize. You turned around, panic on your face as your entire body started to shake and your feet felt like you were going fall at any moment. You were already anxious about meeting Juuzou, bit this was making things a lot worse. Your breaths shallowed as your throat closed up and you started feeling dizzy.
"Please, stop." You whispered shakily.
"Why should we?" Rize asked, her voice wicked and cruel.
"Because she said so~" You turn to see Juuzou standing a few feet from you, his eyes filled with rage as a twisted smile formed on his lips. The smiles disappeared from the girls lips, but they didn't back away from you.
"Oh no. Look, it's the freaks boyfriend, the white freak." Eto said with disgust in her voice. Juuzou stepped closer to you, looking at the girls with his crimson eyes clouded with crazed fury. He kept walking closer, his smile getting wider with each step.
"(Y/n)-chan, are you alright?" He asked, his voice cold. You nodded, and he nodded back, looking back at Rize.
"Are you shaking?" He asked you, and you nodded again.
"Can you move out of the way?" He asked and you nodded once more, turning to walk away, but Irimi stopped you.
"And why do you think we would let you go?" She asked, looking deep into your (e/c) eyes, making you shake more.
"Because I'm much more fun~" Juuzou said with a giggle. He stepped even closer and reached towards you, pulling you to him by your arm.
"Still wanna play, Kamishiro-san~?" He said, staring at her wickedly. She growled before turning around and walking away, the other two on her heals. You sighed in relief, leaning into Juuzou arms.
"Thank you Juuzou." You whispered. He hugged you tightly, humming in response.
"We should go home, it's movie night after all~" He said into your ear, making you shiver. You nodded and laced your fingers with his, walking with him to his house. When you got there, Shinohara-san was sitting at the dining table doing something on his laptop. When he heard you come in, he looked up at you and smiled. You felt a knot form in your stomach at the thought of having to speak to him. You had met him before, but you always got nervous when you had to talk to someone other than Juuzou or your parents. Juuzou noticed this and squeezed your hand, reassuring you that you didn't have to speak.
"Juuzou, welcome back." Shinohara said, a sweet smile on his face.
"Hello Shinohara-san~" Juuzou said, smiling.
"Hello (y/n)-san. Are you staying for dinner?" He asked sweetly. You blushed as you started to shake. Juuzou squeezed your hand again, responding for you.
"We're having movie night, so we were just gonna order pizza or something like that~" Juuzou said. Shinohara nodded.
"Okay, have fun you two."He said, smiling. You smiled back, squeezing Juuzou's hand tightly. He smiled and led you up to his room. You had never been to Juuzou's room before, usually you went to your house, and when you went to his house it was just so he could get a movie from his huge collection. But you said you wanted to go to his house this time, since you wanted to see his room and where he lived. His room was pained white, his bed was covered with a red sheet with yellow polka dots and a matching pillow. He had a desk full of colors and sketch books, and a few shelves with a few books, but most of it was covered in DvD's. He had a huge flat screen TV and Netflix and everything. It looked amazing, just like Juuzou. He walked over to one of his shelves and started looking for a movie.
"What genre do you wanna watch (y/n)-chan?" You snapped out of your thoughts.
"I'm not sure... You pick." You said, smiling.
"Okay... Action it is." He said, starting to look for a good action movie. He noticed you standing awkwardly in the middle of the room and smiled.
"(Y/n)-chan, don't just stand there. You can sit on the bed." He said, not looking at you. You were okay with the idea, until you realized that you'd be sitting on your boyfriend's bed, in his room, alone, watching a movie. And that's when you got nervous. You had been dating for about six months, and the only thing you had done was give each other small pecks on the lips, but nothing more. You wanted more, but you were to shy to tell him, and always got nervous when you thought about it. You blushed a deep crimson, your hands starting to shake slightly.
"How bout this one?" Juuzou asked, turning around. A pink hue covered his cheeks when he saw you. Your face was as red as his eyes and your eyes were brimming with tears as your hands shook.
"(Y/n)-chan, are you okay?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him, a tear falling down your cheek.
"I'm sorry, it's just I have no idea how I'm supposed to act right now." You whispered, your voice weak and shaky. He giggled, wiping the tear from your red cheek.
"Maybe we should just watch the movie, and then we can do something else." He said, moving a strand of your hair from your face. You gulped and nodded. He smiled.
"So, how about this one?" He said, pointing to the movie he held in his hand. You nodded and he put it in the player, lying down on his bed.
"Come on (y/n)-chan~" He said, opening his arms, gesturing for you to lay down next to him, which you did. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly into his embrace. You blushed, but soon melted into his touch. You snuggled against him, hugging his arms as you watched the movie. Soon, the movie started to get boring so you closed your eyes, quickly falling asleep. After a while, Juuzou heard light snoring coming from you. He smiled, moving so he could see your sleeping face. You looked adorable. Your eyes were closed and you had a small trail of drool running from your cheek to the pillow under your head. He giggled as he poked your cheek, making you stir, but you were still sound asleep. He thought for a moment before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. Your eyes shot open as you looked around, obviously confused. Your heart aped up as you didn't recognize where you were.
"Shh, it's okay (y/n)-chan~" Juuzou whispered into your ear. You sighed when you realized where you were.
"How long was I asleep?" You asked tiredly.
"Not long. But you were drooling." He said and you blushed, wiping the drool of your face.
"You're so cute (y/n)-chan~" He said, leaning closer to you and kissing you gently on the lips. You blushed furiously, your eyes widening to the point of almost falling out. He backed away and burst out laughing at your expression.
"You look so funny!" He said, pointing at your face. You pouted, looking away from him.
"Oh, (y/n)-chan, don't be mad~" He said, trying to make eye contact but you looked away. He cupped your cheek in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
"I'm gonna kiss you again, okay?" He asked. You blushed, but nodded. He leaned in again, and this time you kissed back. You moved your hand to the back of his neck as he continued to kiss you, more passionately than ever before. He moved his hands to your waist, laying you down so he was on top of you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. You had never felt like this before. You weren't nervous at all, you just wanted him. You broke away for air, both panting heavily. Juuzou, put his forehead against yours, a smile on his face.
"I love you so much (y/n)-chan~" He whispered, making you smile.
"I lo-" You were cut off.
"Juuzou, can you come here for a sec!" Shinohara yelled from downstairs. Juuzou sighed, pecking your cheek before standing up.
"I'll be right back (y/n)-chan~" He said, grinning before walking out of the room. You blushed and put your fingers to your lips. This was definitely the best movie night EVER!

Yay, I finished it! This was seriously so hard to write, it wasn't even normal. And I hope you guys liked it! Cuz it's seriously 02:01 am and I'm exhausted so if you don't like it then I suffered for nothing. Thanks so much for reading, please vote and comment and feel free to suggest something! I love you all!
-KiritoGasai16/Annkary ^_^

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