Drabbel I don't have time to name

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A circus. A circus tent. A person. A freak. A freak with crazy eyes and blood on his hands. His hair was swept to the side and his smile was wicked. Another freak, this one with snowy hair and blood eyes. The leader of the circus, a short bald man with a stern look and cruel hands. They all stood backstage in the tent, the first freak way in the back and the leader ready to walk onto the stage. The one with snow for hair was sat in the middle, his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He was concentrating.
"You know the plan, so let's do this." The leader said. He pushed the curtain out of the way and walked onto the stage. People cheered. He bowed.
"I don't want to do this." The freak mumbled, holding his shaking hands in front of his eyes.
"Last one, I promise." The snowy haired boy replied, opening one eye to look at the freak.
"Don't strain yourself out there. If you can't finish I'll do it for you." The freak nodded, looking up with determination in his face. They heard the voice of the leader and a cheer, meaning that the freak had to go out on stage. He sighed and shook his hands and shoulders before walking out, faking confidence in his walk. The crowd of people cheered. His hands trembled even worse. He stopped when he was center stage and shook his hands once more. His eyes closed. He could feel it. His body calming down as flames erupted around him. He could feel his heart racing and he took another deep breath, cleared his head. The snowy haired boy stood and watched, waiting. The flames started to dance. The crowd cheered. He smiled and raised his hands. The flames grew bigger, the tongues licked the top of the tent. The snowy haired boy smiled, his lover was doing good. The flames turned blue. Then green. Red. Black. White. That was the signal. The white haired boy stepped onto the stage and held up his hand, his palm up. A single snowflake swirled up and into the air. A thousand more joined it after a bit, until the whole inside of the tent was covered in snow. The freak let his flames die down to nothing, let them disappear. When the snow had settled on each and every person and surface in the tent, the white haired boy opened his eyes. The pure white snow, once so sweet and innocent, turned a deep, blood red. The people started to choke, started to fall down one by one, like leaves in fall. The poison didn't effect everyone. And so the freak raised his hands once more, and every flake of snow was engulfed my flames. The crowd screamed in pain, the leader laughed. The two boys turned to the leader, and he was engulfed by flames as well. All was in flames and the freak was panting. It was over. They were free now.

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