3. Vampire Jew x Werewolf Fatass (Halloween Special kyaaa~)

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Word count: 3169

TW: spooky wooky, make out, child abuse, vampire, werewolf, really scary! (And spicy if you're into that you dirty dog)

Hello kittens, it seems today is the 31st of October, you know what that means... Happy Halloween! Considering the occasion, I suppose it is time to feed you hungry little kittens with another amazing Kyman story/AU. Ah yes, now that I think of it, I do know a tale to tell...

A tale of 2 mythical spooky creatures, with romance... so here is the story of a fat fuck of a werewolf and a Jewish vampire told by the jew himself!

"Okay kids gather round! It's time for the spooky story" Kyle laughed as his 3 children sat down together, the youngest sitting on his lap. "Papa we do this every year can't we just trick or treat?" And where's daddy?" Gregory (the least favorite 🙄) asked, Kyle just chuckled (even though he hates that brat) and said, "Listen to the story and you'll understand...This is the story of how your father and I fell into the deep trance of endless ocean of his shiny blue and baby brown orbs and how he fell in love with the jungle of my towering red jew curls. Aka how we fell in love"

Once upon a time there was a jew and a fatass, natural born enemies. Everyday they would fight nonstop and it got the point where teachers knew not to seat them together because of horror stories they heard, and if they did then they'd be one of the teachers to tell those horror stories. However, behind their burning fiery hatred for eachother they had something in common. They both had a secret, a secret no one could understand, no one but each other.

Fate had destined them together, for a reason they didn't know yet. No matter how much they hated eachother they couldn't get rid of one another...

Jew's POV:

I laughed as I walked with Stan home, even though I seemed to be laughing and smiling I was in great pain. I needed to feed before the end of the day, you see... I'm a vampire. No one suspects me, although there had been many close calls.

I waved goodbye to Stan and BURST into my house, screaming in agonizing pain. It's hard to hide how you really feel for so long, "That's what the mask is...that's what the point of the mask is.." I sang to myself to try and calm down (Dream is an inspiration to jewpires) Then it hit, waves of pain flooded through my stomach. When humans feel "hunger" it's actually 10x worse for us vampires. I groaned and screeched, it was a pain so physical I fell to floor in fetal position and CLUTCHED my chest and screamed like a wounded animal. I need to feed before the sun sets.

Fatass' POV:

I heard screaming from one of my neighbors, ha fucking lame. I was preparing my costume for the night, I was going as a vampire which I know is gay but my fucking mem forgot to order my hella kewl costume and made a substitute.

I was painting my face when my mom burst in, what a fucking bitch! I told her if she ever entered my room without knocking I'd be seriously PISSED OFF! "Poopsikins I have some unfortunate news.." She said and I rolled my eyes, "I THOUGHT I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO KNOCK BEFORE ENTERING!" I screamed, what the FREAK does she think she's doing. "It's important! Tonight is a full moon.." She said, what the HELL! "WHAT? WHAT THE FEWK MEM!!? YOU WAIT UNTIL NOW TO TELL ME?" I screamed, she cried out "I'm sorry! I didn't know" I rolled my eyes, "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW MEM???? I HAVE TO TRICK OR TREAT OR EVERYONE'S GONNA MISS ME!!" I screamed at her she sobbed and ran out, fucking bitch.

I took off all my costume while crying, why did it have to happen to me!! A few years ago while I was trick or treating with the jew, Stan and kinny some asshole stole my candy so I ran after them and found my candy 3 blocks away on the floor, whatever 5 second rule. Then IT came, I suspected it was a jewpacabra, but those only come out for Easter? It pounced on me and bit into my flesh, my friends and the jew found me laying there that night and I was taken to the hospital. I had bites like never seen before and they prescribed me a cream but just like that, I was infected. Now every full moon I turn into a werewolf, I guess you could say I'm a bad boy alpha male.

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