13. Rising of the Gays

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Word Count: 2231

It's crazy the things you start to miss. The things that used to annoy you are the things you now miss more than anything.

"How did we get here? How did we let this happen?" Kyle sighed next to me. "You know how we got here Kyle, we should be grateful to still be alive" I recall what lead us to this point, for the past few weeks I kept telling him to keep going and that we're lucky to be alive but I can tell he doesn't think that.

He gives me a small smile, but I can tell from the look in her eyes that he doesn't believe me anymore, I don't believe me anymore. Each day, we wait for someone to come and tell us it's all over, but nobody ever does.

"I miss it." He whispers, I look over at her, waiting for him to continue, "All of it." He says, 'I miss living, really living. Not being locked up in some room with black and white walls, I miss seeing color other than the yellow color of canned corn,"

He rants, then turns to make eye contact with me, "Don't you miss it?" He asks, I just stare blankly at him. Of course I do, I miss it more than anything, but I can't admit that. I'll go insane if I remember how much I'm missing out on. "I just... I just want my life back, Cartman."

I felt a small smile start to form as I remembered my life before it all happened, "Do you remember the day before we got locked away" I laughed a little, for the first time in weeks I saw him smile, "Sometimes it's all I think about" He said quietly


It was the last night of May, and even though summer had not yet begun the air was hot and humid with mosquitos beginning to fly around and attack the innocent like the blood sucking bug version of vampires they are. Cartman and Kyle walked together on the sidewalk as they listened to the cicadas screech.

"God do those things ever shut up" Cartman mumbled, "They sound a lot like you except they're less annoying and less FAT" Kyle said making Cartman roll his eyes, "Well at least I'm not a Jew!" He argued back, and they started bickering over each other until they were interrupted by a man in one of the most hideous outfits ever made.

"Hey there, girlies! We're selling pride merch that you can't find at Target or Walmart or any of those evil homophobic stores!" He spoke while Cartman focused on his light up sketchers paired horribly with his long rainbow socks, "P..pride merch.. heh? What for?" Cartman uttered in fear of his response.

The man let out a booming but high-pitched laugh, "Pride month, of course, you silly goose!" He said giddily, like Craig Pelton when he sees a sale on dildos.

"Oh! We're fine for now, " Kyle said nervously as he and Cartman started backing away, "Are you sure? We're planning a parade for later today!" The man started approaching the two of them, the only light being his sketchers.

"No, really, we're good. we have some at home!" Cartman explained, and his smile slowly dropped, "Why aren't you wearing it then?" He asked in a sinister tone, Cartman looked over at Kyle for help, but he was in a trance. He had been so disgusted by his horrendous outfit he couldn't speak, Cartman grabbed Kyle's hand and started to run while dragging Kyle along.

Kyle came back to his senses and started running as fast as he could while looking behind to see if the man was behind them, "I THINK HE'S GONE" He yelled out and Cartman turned his head to check before slowing down gradually. They both reached a stop and looked at each other fearfully, "Kyle, what's the time..?" Cartman asked, his voice trembling and his breath shallow. Oswalda pulled out her phone, her hands shaking.

"12:13, June First." He said as she looked up into Cartman's eyes, "The first day of pride month, " He whispered. Cartman shook his head, "No... No! I thought we had more time!! I'm not prepared, Kyle. I'M NOT PREPARED! " He screamed, Kyle slapped him.

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