Johnny (June 2 -5, 1944)

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Friday Morn. June 2, 44

Dearest Sweetheart Ella Mae

Well darling I received 2 letters from you this morning and one from Sue + Warren. I was very happy to get them. I seem to get mail quite regular aside from one or two days the early part of the week. I also got your picture darling so now I have 2 of you and 2 of sonny. Boy am I glad to have them with me.

Well sweetheart this mornings draft was a very big one and still I didn't get it. I'm still here until next week Tuesday or Friday. Ray Gorham got drafted this morning he goes on 306. So he and I are now separated. Also my little friend Keddy was drafted this morning he got 354. That leaves Mahoney, Magalas, and myself left of Co 229 in this barracks. It sure makes me think and wonder what kind of break, I am going to get. I sure hope its a good one.

Last night I meet my friend Naylor of co 229 who is at school here. He told me that many nights they go to school until 9 oclock at night boy that's a long day and no chance to write many letters or do any laundry either. He says he will only get two weeks schooling as his ship will be ready in 2 weeks and then he has to go and get it right away on the west coast. Whoo me. I hope I don't get that. Hunziher another 229 man is going to school for 4 weeks and gets about 7 or 10 day leave before his is ready. So you see how it goes. You can't count on a leave until you know what ship and when she's ready so I can't give you any info – on it until I get assigned and so far I haven't been assigned. I only hope when I do I have one that won't be ready for a while. Don't you honey. Honestly I am just hoping for all I'm worth that I can get home to see you sweetheart. Because I miss you so much.

This morning at 6 oclock Roy Gorham came up and showed me a telegram from his wife that he got at 2 oclock this morning says that her brother had been killed in an aeroplane accident. Come at once. He didn't know whether or not he could get leave to go home for it or not. Now that he has been assigned and send to school. I won't know whether he got it or not. If he gets home and you should see him let me know in your letter will you.

I am awful glad that there was a birthday party for Johnny. I bet you all had a nice time and I see by your letter that he got some nice presents. I'm awfully glad he did so well. I'm glad he's eating good. I bet he's excited about being a cub too. I'll have to write him a letter this afternoon.

You know I feel all alone here now that Ray had gone because there isn't a soul around here from anywhere near my neck of the country. But I'll just have to make new friends in order to keep from being lonely. Please keep writing as that is an awful big help to me.

I met a 3 class Petty officer storekeeper last night and I got a pretty fare time on it from him. I guess my only problem in making storekeeper will be to learn to pound a typewriter pretty fare. If I get a chance boy. I'll do my best. I keep wondering if I'm going to get storekeeper being held up like this and also if there going to send me somewhere else to school. That fellow got his schooling for storekeeper at Newport R.I. and said it took 16 weeks for the course. I don't know much about it but sure hope I find out something soon.

Say honey did any of you get your packages from me. I sent one to you, one to your mother and one to mom. I haven't heard in your letters. I put the postage on by guess so I'm wondering if it was enough and if you go them O.K.

Well sweetheart its crawling towards time for chow and time to send the mail out so I'll close darling hoping our O.K. I love you darling so much and boy I miss you something awful. I hope that I'll be able to get home to see you before to awful long.

For the present sweetheart a million kisses                                                                                                          Johnny

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