Work is for the Fishes

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"Huh what?! Where?!"

I woke with a start as steven stood over me with a big goofy smile and starry eyes.

"Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey... I wish..."

He said wispfully.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, getting up from the not so comfortable couch. I guess they don't sit on the couch much.... I look in the mirror to see my horrible bed head, no wonder Steven was laughing at me earlier. I grab a brush out of my purse and fix my heinous hairdo.

"So, want some breakfast?"

I asked after messing with my blue tinted bangs.

"Sure, or I could just eat some cereal."

"Nah I'll make some waffles."

I go to the fridge and grab some frozen waffles and pop them into the toaster, and grab the maple syrup.

"How'd ya' sleep?" He asked.

"Okay I guess, You?"

"I had the weirdest dream."


"Well, I had a dream that there was this giant foot attacking us and the new people in town were driving it and and-"

"Woah that's an interesting imagination," I laughed, kids can be so entertaining on a sleepy morning before work.

"Yeah haha I guess so."

He stuck his tongue out and turned on the T.V.

The toaster popped up and I grabbed the waffles out and put them on a plate, then covered them with the thick syrup. He was watching some cartoon about a boy and dog going on adventures. I wish I could come up with this stuff, I'd be rich!

"Here you go."

I handed him his plate and sat down next to him with my knees propped up. I hadn't changed, I was still wearing my work jeans and light blue tanktop. I was barefoot and my shoes were against the couch. Some pink princess was on the T.V. and she was creepily sniffing a black shirt..... ummm okay... cartoons are definitely different from Tom and Jerry when I was a kid that's for sure.

When I was a kid there was some weird stuff too, so I guess that hasn't really changed either. I rememeber lying on my stomach in front of the T.V. singing along to Scooby Doo, and then I'd go outside and try to solve the mysteries just like they did. I didn't really have any friends when I was younger, so I was usually just left with my imagination and cartoons to entertain me. I was never really good at making friends and they usually picked on me, Steven's mother, Rose, was always nice but her friends never liked me... Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. They used to call me smurfette because of my hair and told everyone not to talk to me, but Rose would tell them to stop and comfort me. I guess she was the closest thing I had to friend back then, her and Greg of course.

When we all grew up a lot of us moved away but Greg, Rose, and her friends stayed behind. Then Greg opened the car wash up with Rose and he hired me, then they got married. After a while, they thought they couldn't have kids but eventually Rose got pregnant with Steven.

It all went smoothly until she went into labor... She didn't make it out. It was horrible, Greg was devastated and for a while I think he blamed Steven... I guess he eventually realized that he was being ridiculous, but by then Steven was living with Rose's three friends in the old temple on the other side of Beach City. They left a lot to go on some kind of business trips and Steven would be all by himself, but he refused to bother Greg about it. Greg found out in time and was not happy at all, he threatened to take Steven, and that made thing worse... I feel so bad for him, he's my friend and I will take care of him no matter what, hell, he can move in with me if he has to.

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