The Red Face Blues

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Hey, hope you all had an fantabulous Steven Bomb 2.01! I think I'm going to post a Ruby x Sapphire story later too. Enjoy!

Lapis POV:

I sat down a heavy bucket of water I just filled to wash Mayor Dewey's van. It might as well be the Dewey Mobile considering all the propaganda covering it end to front. Talk about show boating. Grabbing a sponge from the shelf, I wet it in the semi-warm soapy water. Starting with the windshield, I wash in small circles just like Greg showed me.

I wonder how Peridot's interview is going... I laugh a little at the face she made when she saw the word FishStew. I'll have to ask her how it went later. Oh wait, later... That's right, we are meeting at the Big Donut later... Oh jeez... Why is it that I just met her but it's like she's my friend, or maybe something else.

I gulp and shake my head trying to focus on the task at hand, failing. It's not even that I like her really... I mean she's pretty and all I suppose. I mean when we first met I had coffee spilled all over me. She cared about me though, she seemed concerned, but hey, who wouldn't seem concerned when you just about murdered somebody with hot bean water... This time, I won't be a victim, and I'll have to actually hold a conversation. I'm so dead.

My face was pure red and I looked like a dying chipmunk.

"Hey, do you need a break?" Greg asked, worried.

"What, oh no, I-I'm fine." I laughed nervously and smiled a fake smile.

"You don't look fine..."

"Pshh, I'm better than fine, I'm excellent, heh."

"Yeah.... I think I'll take over from here."

"Okay, I'll be over here, boss-io."

"Lapis, I think you should probably head home, your acting weirder than usuall."

"Hah, what me? Nahh."

"Go home, Lapis."

Sighing, I began to pack up and leave.

What's wrong with me...

Peridot's POV:

I walk through the glass doors, disgusted. Looking around, I see a few tables that held only one person with blonde curly hair, wearing a red hawaiin shirt. I looked to my right and saw a counter with a teenage girl working. I slowly walked up to the counter, looking where I was going carefully, I was taking no chances.

"Welcome to FishStew Family Pizzeria, how can I help you?" She said in a monotone and bored voice.

"Yeah, I'm looking for a job and heard you were hiring."

"DAD! SOMEONE"S LOOKING FOR A JOB!" She yelled, leaving my ears ringing.

A man wearing a hair net and green collared shirt approached the counter with an angry look on his face. Still holding my damaged ears, he looked at me, it was kindof scary...

"You want job here?" He semi-yelled.

"Uh... I guess so..."

"You guess?! There is no guessing in my shop! You want job here or not?!"

"Eh, Yeah sure lay it on me."

"What you mean 'Lay it on you'?"

"Look, can I work here or not?"


"What?! Why?"

"Only pizza family work here, no outsiders!"

"But you said-"

"No buts in shops either!"

I groaned and walked out, I didn't wanna work in that clod shop anyways, what do I care. I sighed, I needed that job...

I started walking down the board walk, hoping to find a place hiring. Kicking my feet at a pebble I saw a building full of arcade machines.

My face lit up and I ran into the place looking at all the games available. Digging in my pockets, I found some change and started playing what seemed to be a Street Fighter clone. Really, the main character might as well have been a blonde Ryu.

Mindlessly pressing buttons, I find my mind wandering to a conversation. 'Meet me at the Big Donut later.' I wonder why she wants to hang out with me, it's like I'm totally amazing. I laughed, who am I kidding I totally am. Smirking, I finish off the next few levels, putting in a few more quarters to continue.

I wonder what we're gonna be doing, just talking? Like a date? What if it is a date... Does she like me like that?

Questions suddenly began filling my head and I realize I'm probably just reading way to far into into it, but there was a possibility. She was acting strange earlier... I blushed. Oh no what if is a date?! She was beautiful and could certainly do better than me, I'll just embarrass myself! What will we even talk about? What- I noticed I was losing, the whole time I wasn't even paying attention and it was game over.

I sigh, I needed some help with this... Maybe Jasper knows some tips or something... She's usually the one going on dates and all. At least I hope this is a date.

I walk back to our house trying to remain calm. Sticking my hands in my pockets, I get home and run and knock on her door.

"Jasper! I need help! Open the door!! Open! The!-"


"Oh oh Jasper, can we talk about something, please?" I gave my best puppy dog face.

She sighed, "What is it?"

"Um well, you know that girl we spilled coffee on last night? Well, this morning she stopped by and showed this place where I could apply for a job, but the guy was crazy and the place was disgusting and not even I could do it, then I went to the arcade and played this weird Street Fighter clone and and then I was thinking about how she invited me to the donut place again andigotreallynervousandcanyouhelpmeplease?!?!?"


"Ugh, just give me tips for a date!"

"Why didn't you just say that?"


"Well, I just show off my muscles, and that usually does the trick, hehe. You don't have any muscles thought because your too busy playing games to work out with me. I told you you should have went to that place when I-"

"Is that all you know about dates?"

"Yep, sorry Perri."

"Ugh..." I was so screwed.

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