Houston, We Have A Problem

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I wake up as sunlight pours in through the side window, the ocean beating against the beach. Remembering I wasn't in my own bed, I look over to see Peridot hugging the pillow and snoring slightly. I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake her and look at the clock, it was about 8:30. At least I was off today. Jasper was sitting on the couch watching some colorful show, and laughing.

"Good morning." I say, yawning.

"AH!!" She grabs the remote fast and turns off the TV."What are you doing here?!"

"Oh, I, uh, spent the night.."

Her jaw dropped and she died out laughing. "I knew Peri had it in her!"

"What? What are you talking about?''

"You know," She smiled devilishly.

"NO! I just didn't want to walk all the way home that late!" my face was on fire.

"Oh, yeah of course, Peridot is too scared to do anything like that."

"...." ...wow... I sat on the couch and crossed my arms, looking the other way. Jasper turned the TV onto a different show. It was the Walking Dead, probably season 2.

"So, are you guys 'friends' or what?"

"What do you mean by 'friends'?"

"Ya know, dating."

"Oh, uh, she doesn't like me like that."She groaned and face palmed.

"Why is it girls like you are so clueless all the time?!"

Rude."Hey! I'm not clueless! I just havn't really talked to her about it.."

"Do you like her?"

"I don't really know, I've never really liked a girl before."

"It's not really that different, I've liked tons of girls and guys. Feels the same really."

"In that case, maybe."

She laughed. "You really are that innocent?" I blushed.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing, it's..cute." I blushed even more.


"Yeah, I see why Peri likes you. You're not bad at all."

"uh.. yeah." A door opened and i saw light coming from the hall. A very tired looking Peridot walked into the room, scratching her head.

"Hey guys." I laughed

"Good morning, sleepy head." She blushed.

"Good morning."She sat beside me and watched the show going on. I wasn't really paying attention to it though. I stole a few glances her way and thought about what Jasper had said. I guess the fact that we liked each other was obvious... I was a little shocked at how we hadn't noticed it. I looked over at Jasper who was staring at the wall, who knew what she was thinking about... I don't think anyone was watching the TV...

Peridot's POV:

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, probably thinking I didn't notice. I laughed softly to myself. How cute... Jasper was sitting with her arms crossed, staring into space. She must have been annoyed at how Lapis was staying without me saying anything. Oops. I got up and went into the kitchen. I walked to the fridge and grabbed some eggs and milk. Turning on the stove, I yelled into the living room, "Want some breakfast?"

"Yeah sure." "Whatever."

Making the eggs, I thought about what happened this past week. It felt like so much longer, I barely even knew Lapis, but it felt like I did. I only just met her, but it felt like I had known her my whole life. I wish that were the case. This newfound crush was really killing me, it's the only thing I really thought about, besides video games that is. I don't even know what counts as a crush anymore. I grabbed three plates from the cabinet and put some eggs on each, taking them into the living room. After handing everyone their plate I sat down.

"So, Lapis, I was wondering if... you wanted to go see a movie later? I saw a theatre when I got kicked out of that pizza place, so.. yeah." I said nervously.

"Sure, we can see the new Dogcopter movie, Bark vs Bite."

"Okay, sounds good!"

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