Just Do It!

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Hey guys, been a while huh? I don't have a laptop anymore so all further chapters will be on mobile so there will be mistake. I'll try to catch as many as I can, but of you see any, please excuse me. Onward!
-The world's latest author ever

Peridot's Pov:
"LOSING ALPHA!" Oh great,those rebel scum.. I had fired up Battlefront for the PS4 to keep me occupied. For it to be my love life, Jasper was in a bad mood lately. Well, more than usual anyways.

'Peridot! Turn you game down it's interfering with my... show!!'

She's been there for about three hours now. I should probably check on her but I'm not in the business of getting my face pulverized. I don't even know why she's acting this way! Actually she's been like this since she gave me advice about Lapis.. Oh well, who knows hehe.

Knock Knock

"Come in!"
"Hey... can we uh.. talk.."
"Uh, sure J.."

Jasper looked depressed about something... gulp.

"It's about l-l.."
"L- What?"
"Uhh... Lasers! Yeah, those lasers are a bit too loud and I need you to turn them down mkay? Talk to you later!"

She zipped out the room as fast as she got in here.

That was very strange like Twilight Zone strange..

Lapis's POV:
Okay, how do people come out anyways? Shouldn't be that hard I mean all I gotta say is 'Hey, I'm Gay!' No, that's too straight forward.. Hehe staight, cause its not... Gah focus!

I had work in less than 10 minutes and I was planning on confessing to Greg and Steven first, then all the townspeople, then Peridot tonight.
I approached the car wash as slow as possible, I'm really dreading this... I mean I know they will be okay with its just, will I like the way they look at me afterwards?.. Every time I've witnessed someone come out as gay or bi, everyone was supportive and nice about it, but they looked at them a certain way... You know the look... The one you get when someone thinks you're different from them, the look that makes you the outcast...

"Lapis! You feeling better today?"
"Yeah! Better than ever actually... In fact, I have some news for you guys..."

Steven suddenly had stars in his eyes,
"Did you bring us donuts?"
"Hehe, no Steven but after our shift we can go get some."
"What's that you wanted to tell us?"
Greg asked curiously, here goes..
"I-I made out with Peridot at the lighthouse!"

They stared at me wide eyed and mouths open. Okay maybe I should been about 20% subtler...

"What I meant was, I really like Peridot and I think I might be gay.. or at least bi, or demi, or pan..

I did research on a cool site known as tumblr

"O-oh I thought so, hehe you were acting pretty weird yesterday and when you showed her here. It reminds me of when I was first dating Rose.. But that doesn't change anything! Actually, Rose was bisexual. She was even still friends with her ex-girlfriend Pearl."

Steven ran up and hugged me, "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!"

I laughed, why was I worried again?

Wait, did he say Rose dated Pearl??

Hoped you like it!! Sorry there's no Lapidot yet but it's late here I thought this was a good stopping point... well, ideas? Reviews? Leave them in the comments!! And I'm sorry if you guys went nuts but thanks to @2plizzy for helping motivate me start writing again!! And I'm sorry to anyone who thought this story was dead but guess what! I threw it in the lazurus pit mwahaha... well anyways thanks for staying!

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