Facing Reality

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Peridot's POV

Blushing, I walked back home touching my lips. I really hope she could like me... Not paying attention to where I was going I stub my toe on a curb.

"Ahh! Stupid cement!" 

I open the door to our house and fall on the couch in a heap.

"Bad day?" Jasper asks curiously.

"The opposite actually..." I say whimsically.

"Then why the long face?" She laughed at her own joke and I rolled my eyes.

"You just don't understand! Lapis is so perfect... And I actually have a shot with her but only if she ever decides whether she's into girls or not..."

"You mean she didn't get anything from our talk?"

"What talk?"

"Oh.. nothing... but what happened today?"

"Well, we went to the lighthouse, made out a little bit, I almost died, and then I walked her home."

"Oh, wait what?!"

Ignoring her, I continued, "She said she didn't know what she wanted exactly but she definitely likes me, then she kissed me on the cheek and I left."

"Well, just give her time... I mean she'll figure out what she wants... She's a nice girl." I saw Jasper blush slightly at that comment. Huh?

"Um you felling okay? Your face is a little red."

"What?! No! Now you better explain the whole 'almost died' part"

Brushing it off, I explained the night in detail.

Lapis' POV


I closed my laptop forcefully and set it aside. Why can't my life be as easy as a fan fiction? In stories, no one cares about your sexuality, it's just love plain and simple. In real life people judge you and say it's unnatural. But if it's so unnatural then why do I feel this way? Why can't I just be with her without any worries? But I guess not having any worries would be a little boring... Ugh, that's not the point anyways! Why can't I just know...

Sighing, I move to the couch and turn on the TV, clicking on the remote. I hug my knees to my chest and bury my head, listening to the dull drone of whatever mindless conversation is happening. I couldn't pay attention even if I wanted to. My mind always wanders off to the same place, Peridot.

I think about sending her a text, but that will just confuse me more. I need someone to talk to who isn't the person who confuses me in such wonderful and terrible ways...

You can always talk to me if you need to  Jasper!

I grab my phone and look at the time, checking to see if it's too late, then decide she's probably watching My Little Pony anyways.



11:24-Can we talk?

11:24-Um.. Sure?

I call her sighing nervously.

"Hey girl."

"Hey, I just wanted to talk about my.. uh... situation? Yeah, well I guess I'm just worried about me being a sort of lesbian and I just need some advice about how you um.. know?"

I roll my eyes at my nervousness, I'm such a Peridot. Wow, where'd that come from?

"You guys kissed right? Did you like it?" I was about to say something about her forwardness until I remembered who I'm talking to and that I called her first.

"Well, yeah. A lot actually.."

"I think it's safe to say that you are into her then... Just tell her because she's been gushing over you since day one and it'd make the runt happy."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smile at the fact that I had an answer, even if it was there the whole time.

"Well, I let you get back to Friendship is Magic."

"That's not what I was do-"

I clicked off, busting into laughter. Turning my attention back to the TV I watched in content, my mind eased for now.

Now all I had to do was break it to everyone I knew.


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