Day 3 - 6/17/15
I am sick. I just got a cold last night and I couldn't be happier! I really hate colds. Three days ago I just ended a very painful period and now I have a cold. If it is not one thing, it is another. Right? I should have caught it sooner. I was taking airborne last night and I am going to keep it up. Last time I did I was only sick for two days. That cold was great. Right now what I mostly have is a massive headache. I have taken Advil, eaten lunch, and taken medicine. I am do for another round of airborne in about ten minutes. I am not looking forward to it. It is almost one in the afternoon and I couldn't feel worse. Well, I could, but I don't want to.
Right now I have the house to myself and all I want to do is stay in my hot room and watch Beauty and the Beast (the TV show) on my computer. What I really want to do is sleep and get this awful headache to go away. But I don't know if I can fall asleep.
Well I eventually got to sleep. It is now 3:30. I am really groggy. And my head is killing me. It feels as though someone is squeezing my head at the temples. My eyes can't really focus. I can barley see what I am writing.
My vision is better now that I am more awake. My head still hurts of course, but mainly when I move or type. I might have to make this page short today.
Okay it is 8:20 and I am sorry to stay I am ending the page early. I am sorry I can't continue but there isn't really much else to say. I hope to be more better tomorrow. Night all.
The Unique Life of an Average Girl
SachbücherPrologue Okay, I thought being a teenager was hard. Like really hard. My life has really been a trial the last five years and I thought life would never lighten up. But here I am now I am 20 years old and I can say "I made it!" I didn't always want...