Planning Halloween

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Day 31 - 7/15/15

Yes, the title is correct. I am planning for Halloween in July. Halloween is my FAVORITE holiday. I love decorating like crazy and scare the crap out of people. Last year was great. So many people (kids) didn't want to go near our house. Some people even took pictures. It was great. But now that we are moving I can't scare people. You see there are no trick or treaters at the other house.

So this morning I came up with the most brilliant idea and mom said yes. We are going to throw a housewarming Halloween party! I got so excited I was dancing and smiling and singing. I was crazy. I don't think I have ever been that excited. So many ideas ran through my head for what I am going to do. Since we live on an acre of land the possibilities are endless. I am even willing to pay for most of the decorations. Of course I am going to make some as well. I went on Pinterest and I have so many new ideas.

I am going to throw the best party ever. And I am going to scare the crap out of people. I love Halloween. 

Now that I got that out I think I can sleep. I wrote a lot down while I was planning and I did so much research. I am actually tired and it is only 8. Of course I am not going to bed. I do have to go make mine though. I moved all the stuff out of my dads room and I just threw it on my bed.

Tomorrow I think I will make it a random fact page about me. What do you think? Or maybe I can write more about TV shows I like.

I will come up with something.


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