Hello, I know I haven't been on here in a while, but I just feel like I had to write again. When I'm not here I have been writing constantly. I have been writing poems mostly. And I honestly love them. I really hope I can get my work published one day, but for now they are for myself and my friends to read. And I will keep writing. I don't think I have mentioned much about my writing in this blog, but it's something that I really want to accomplish in my life.
It's now a new year and I am at my last semester at community college. I hope to graduate this next semester with two associate degrees: one in history and one and general studies. Even though a full year has passed, not much has changed my life. I wish that it has. I feel stuck. I feel as if I am going nowhere. Like I am marching in place. But change is sure to come when I transfer to a university.
I'm still 21 and my birthday fastly approaches in May. I still don't drive and I guess the one thing that has changed is that my parents are getting a divorce. But I wanted that. Every time they were together they fought constantly. My brother is supposed move in with us (my mom and I) but he hasn't yet. He is so angry all the time. Both he and my mother constantly get on each other's nerves.
I know it feels like I am writing a lot. And honestly I'm writing barely a word. I have this new program that lets me speak and it changes my words to text. It's called Dragon. It's kind of weird talking out loud in microphone, because I'm basically talking to air. But it makes my life so much easier. I think I mentioned my ongoing problem with my wrist, and it's almost better, like after two years. But when I type it hurts. Especially texting. There is just something about having your fingers locked up so tightly. I wish I had more to report on. Hopefully this dragon thing, will help me get my writing out to the public.
I could honestly put my work on here. But I am hesitant. But for now, I will write my thoughts and feelings down. Even if it is just for me I'm glad to have something down. It makes me feel lighter and hopefully it will change my life. Not in a big way. I mean in a small way. Maybe it'll make me a better person somehow. I know that's kind of confusing. But I've always been a negative person in life and it always seems like I'm complaining about one thing or another. And I know I am a negative person but deep inside of me I am this completely different person. On the outside you may see the darkness, but inside I missed totally innocent sunshiny girl running through a field wildflowers.
I think that is all for now. Thank you for reading, thank you for being there. We all need someone sometimes.
The Unique Life of an Average Girl
Non-FictionPrologue Okay, I thought being a teenager was hard. Like really hard. My life has really been a trial the last five years and I thought life would never lighten up. But here I am now I am 20 years old and I can say "I made it!" I didn't always want...