Day 20 - 7/4/15
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Today is a good day! It is full of BBQ and Partying and Freedom!!!
Today I woke up at 8:30 more tired than ever. But now I am more awake than ever. It is now 5:30 and I am with the family watching Independence Day. Did you know that they are making a second movie coming out next year?
So we cleaned part of the house, went grocery shopping, then back home and had lunch. I am being told to put my computer away. We will see.
Hah! I still have it out. I smell mustard. I am trying to type quietly, but it is not really working.
I painted my nails after I took a shower today. I feel patriotic.
It is now 11 and my uncle just left here.
I really thought this blog page was going to be filled with exciting things to say. We watched the movie, ate burgers for dinner, went outside at 9 and lit off fireworks, our neighbors came over to watch them with us, the high school put on a show like they do every year, and then we went in the house to have brownies and cookies!
All in all it was a good day. Had some little anger problems tonight...Mom gets mad easily.
This was our last 4th of July in this house. I wish it was a happier day. Don't get me wrong, today was pretty happy! It was just towards the end of the afternoon/night.
I hope everyone had a good day and I hope there were a lot of parties and fun!
I will log off now.
Enjoy the rest of your night!
The Unique Life of an Average Girl
Non-FictionPrologue Okay, I thought being a teenager was hard. Like really hard. My life has really been a trial the last five years and I thought life would never lighten up. But here I am now I am 20 years old and I can say "I made it!" I didn't always want...