Day 30 - 7/14/15
This morning while I was on and off asleep I felt an earthquake and is aftershock. For a while I have been feeling small ones and usually the occur in the morning. The one that happened this morning was bigger than normal, but somehow my mom didn't feel it. She hasn't been feeling any. I think it is because every time I feel them I am upstairs.
Now a couple of days ago I found out our town has had over 50 earthquakes and we had made national news! We didn't even know that. My mom found out from my aunt (her sister who lives in Oregon). Can you believe it? Oregon and here we are in California. The scary thing is I have felt a lot of them and also we live in a cul-de-sac and there is a big crack that goes all the way across. I have a feeling that if or when there is a major earthquake our house will come crashing down into a massive hole.
I have never really been in any nasture. That is funny. I meant to put natural disaster; I came up with a new word!
I have been in a few fires. I have witnessed 7 fires? I have lost count. I was alive for 9/11 and a mudslide about an hour from where I live. I don't think that counts. There was a tornado in my town years ago. It was very small, no damage, and it was on the mountainside I believe. There was a flood or two. The riverbed came up overflowing so much. Up to the bridge. That was years ago when we weren't in a drought. I was ten or eleven then. I also remember barrancas overflowing and roads also overflowing. I miss when the mountains were green. They are brown. Dead. It is sad.
Man, I am tired. I had to move furniture and rip up carpet and tac strips today. Awful. My rib, I think, is out again. It hurts so bad words can not describe the pain. Well, I would use a few colorful words.
Okay I think I will log off now. Tonight is the last night I have in my dad's room before he comes back tomorrow.
Night all!
The Unique Life of an Average Girl
No FicciónPrologue Okay, I thought being a teenager was hard. Like really hard. My life has really been a trial the last five years and I thought life would never lighten up. But here I am now I am 20 years old and I can say "I made it!" I didn't always want...