Long Day

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Day 6 - 6/20/15

It is almost ten at night so I am going to say that this page is going to be short.

Today I went work. I had to be there at 7:30 this morning and I got off a little after 2. It was very long day. First off I had a relapse of my cold and I felt like crap the whole time and second it was very slow. We barely had any costumers. And went the day is slow you are glad you don't have to work as hard, but then you are bored because there is nothing to do and for some reason my feet hurt more on a slow day.

What else happened today?

I went home until about 4:30 and then left to go to our other house to feed the horses, etc. I discovered the cat out there, his name is Buddy, has flees so that means our dogs and other cats have flees. After that my mom and I went to the store for groceries and after that we went to the dollar store and goodwill. I had to get a father's day card for tomorrow. Finally we went home, made dinner, ate dinner, and watched a quick movie.

Oh, at the dollar store we saw our friends and their new dog. It was great to see them even though we did see two of them yesterday. They are the ones that brought us the turtle.

I am exhausted and still sick. I have to down my airborne here pretty soon and then I am going to bed. All in all nothing really happened today. It was just a long, slow day.

I really want to end this page. I know it is really short, but I don't feel well and honestly I am way too tired to think of what else happened today. So good night all! I hope you guys had a better day than I did.

Oh and in the comments you guys can leave suggestions for any ideas you want me to write about. Example: My favorite memory about pizza.

Also in my last blog I was blanking on the word koi (koi pond) and how to spell it so I put coy and never fixed it. Sorry.  


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