Day 5 - 6/19/15
Okay I am lying in bed after I just ate lunch and I am watching a video on YouTube. There is a box in the corner of the video and it says, "kitten wakeup video" and for some reason it reminded me of when I was about 13 and my mom and I were talking to one of our friends and we hear this kitten crying and my mom and I are going crazy looking for it when our friend says. "That's my phone." We were completely caught off guard. Then we all started to laugh. Thinking back it was hilarious.
Where should I start???
I live in Southern California. I am twenty years old (my birthday is in May). I love horses, cats, and dogs. My favorite color is purple. I have freckles. I love TV shows and movies. I love music. My favorite ice cream is chocolate malt ball (it is the Rite Aide brand). I live with my mom and my dad and my brother. I don't drive. I am not a big fan of candy. I am blonde.
I think I just realized that I have never introduced myself. Well, there is my user name shangirl101 but my real name is Shannon!!! Hi everybody! I am so sorry for not introducing myself.
What else? I currently have two houses; we are moving. : '(
For pets we have three dogs, two house cats and a few strays that no one ever sees, a lizard, two horses, a coy pond, two goats, 8 chickens/ two roosters, and two pigeons. Oh we might get a water turtle today if our friend brings it by.
I don't have any grandparents. I did but they both died recently (my mom's side). My dads parents died way before I was born. I go to community college and I believe I am going to get my degree in history.
It is now almost 8 at night. I am so tired my eyes hurt. My mom came home early today, around three, and we left to go to the other house. I just got home a half hour ago. After we left the house, which was a little after 6, we went to grab a quick dinner. I was disappointed with my meal. After that I got home and took a shower. Now I am in my bed on my computer and my throat hurts. There is still plenty of daylight out so I can't go to bed. I know it is too early but I have to be at work at 7:30 in the morning. I am a waitress for one day a week. That was all I could handle during the school semester. But now I am out, but my knee can't handle it. I have a torn ligament in my knee...
So what else that is interesting about me? I love to read. I have hundreds of books and I wish I was exaggerating when I said hundreds. I get cold very easily at night. I don't eat breakfast and when I do it is usually around 10. I get sick in the morning if I smell food. No I am not pregnant. I have always been like this, ever since was little.
How about my heritage? I am half German, and the other have is Sweden/Norwegian/Scottish/ Irish and who knows what else. Let's just say I am all the white stuff. What is funny is my hair is blonde and it is supposed to change to dirty blonde when I am older. My brother has blonde hair too but he is growing a beard. Want to know what color that is? Red. I have a few strands of red hair, but they are hard to find. We are also doppelgangers. My brother looks like a great grandfather and I look like my mom a lot. A picture of her when she was little looks exactly like me. It's weird.
I like to see my books. I stack them in my room, on the floor. Not all of my books, just a small portion. I like art. I am a bit of an artist myself. My grandmother was an amazing artist. So is my aunt. I was obsessed with Dalmatians when I was little. I love black cats. I love all cats really but I am drawn to the black ones.
Oh my God!!! I just accidently hit the back page! I thought all my work was gone!
Okay. I hate the dark. I hate reptiles. I hate touching fish water. You know water that a fish was been in, like a fish tank! I am fine with river water. I am not a big fan of the beach. I don't like going in any water that I can't see the ground. There is a long list of food I don't like. But I think I will get into that another day.
My show keeps pausing!!! It is so aggravating!!!
Um, what else? I have never had a boyfriend. Which is sad, I know. That also means I have never been kissed. Well, once on the cheek by a friend in middle school but he turned out to be gay.
I have Carly Rae Jepsen's song "I really like you" stuck in my head. I love that song! That and "call me maybe!"
My second favorite color is pink. My third favorite color is green. My favorite soda is root beer. In fact I can not stand any other soda. If I had to I could drink coke, but I don't like it. I love history.
I feel like I am running out of things to say. I hate wearing make-up because I hate putting it on. I love how I look in make-up though. I don't wear a dress without shorts; usually. I don't like coffee. I love organizing things. I am a little OCD, but not much. I laugh really loud. I am just a loud person in general.
I think I wrote enough for one day. It is almost nine o'clock and I have to go to bed soon.
Night all!
The Unique Life of an Average Girl
No FicciónPrologue Okay, I thought being a teenager was hard. Like really hard. My life has really been a trial the last five years and I thought life would never lighten up. But here I am now I am 20 years old and I can say "I made it!" I didn't always want...