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Ophelia's POV


suddenly I wake up to yelling and banging. I sit up putting my favourite stuffed yak on my bed and quickly run to my fathers room. "Daddy daddy" I yell opening the door, but being met to an empty room and a messy bed.

I spin around quickly, getting dizzy, but I kept going, making my way to the front door. Before I open it someone barges in. "Oh honey we have to go" my father says in a panic. "What's going oh daddy?". He doesn't answer and runs to get a bag.
He puts anything and everything he can find in the bag.

Suddenly the door crashes open again. "Uncle ry" I yell running over to him. When he sees me he picks me up spinning me around.

"Hey O" he says smiling. After our little greeting he softly puts me back on the ground, walking to my dad. "Viggo we have to go. Now" he says in a hurried voice. "I know I know" my dad say angrily.

"Where are we going?" I asked in a quiet manner. My dad suddenly stops and looks to me with a soft smile. He kneels down to my hight and says to me "Oh honey, some very bad people are coming to try and take what me and you uncle worked very hard for"

I look at him with a confused look and say. "Ok daddy. As long as I get to keep my yak". with a small smile he kiss me on the cheek. "That's my girl". He gets back up looking to my uncle. "You ready". "Ready as I'll ever be" he gives my dad a small smile

My dad picks me up and heads for the door. Before opening it he looks at my uncle, waiting for some extra encouragement but he bog gets a nod in return.

He opens the door revealing my village destroyed and filled with fire. I let out a scared gasp.

After taking in the scenery my dad starts running. Hearing the screams and roars of dragons and people alike. My dad starts running faster until we saw the docks in are sights.

As we got closer I could see other families. That's when I see my best friend Elias. "ELIAS" I scream trying to get his attention. "ELIAS" I yell one more time. Finally he turns around. "OPHELIA". He runs to me. My dad puts me down, and I start running to him.

"What's going on Eli " I say giving him a hug. He hugs me back. "I don't know O, all I know is people are coming, and they aren't good people" he looks at me with sad eyes.

Suddenly we hear a big bang. "What was that". I say looking for my dad. Finally I see him and it looked like he was looking for something too. I turn back to Elias and say a goodbye before I run over to him.

As I make my way to him he seems to have a wave of relief go over him. "Honey" he says running up to me. "Come on, the boats are about to leave" he grabs my hand as we start to board.

As we get on the boat I try to find my stuff yak but realize I can't find it. "Yak yak" I say confused and worried. "Daddy daddy" I tug on his arm. "Daddy I can't find yak yak". He looks down at me. "Not the time hun". He says looking away again. I look up at him with a sad face. "But daddy" I whine.

He looks around. "Ok ok fine". He takes me over to Eliases family. "Hey can you watch Ophelia until I get back?" He say talking to his parents. I block out the rest of there conversation looking at Elias.

"Where's your dad going" he says looking confused. "I left yak yak back at the house so he said he'll go get it for me" I say with a small smile.

"Oh ok". Suddenly someone turns me around. "Hey hun me and your uncle will be right back ok" my dad tells me. "Ok daddy, be quick" I say smiling up at him. He smiles down at me then takes something from his pocket. "Here". He hands me a beautiful dagger. "Keep it safe for me ok?" He asks. I nod.

I watch as my dad leaves the boat. I look over at Elias and start talking about whatever 4 year olds talk about.


5 mins go by and my dad is still not back. Then the boat starts to move. "Elias, have you seen my dad or uncle" I say with a worried voice. "No? Wait they haven't come back yet?". He say also with a worried voice. I run up to the deck of the boat.

When I get up there I go straight to the back looking at the docks. I don't see them. I stand there as I see the dock get farther and farther away.

Suddenly I see them. "DADDY" yell trying to get his attention. I start waving my arms. That's when all I saw was my island being consumed in flams "Daddy!" I yell out. Slumping down on the floor.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and see Elias. "I'm so sorry" he says softly in my ear. Holding me as a ball my eyes out.

I don't know how long we sat there for but it was for a while.


I open my eyes after hearing loud booms of thunder. I look around noticing that I'm still in the same spot, with Elias holding me. When he realizes I'm awake he stands up, helping me stand.

"How you feeling" he says softly. I stay silent, going to the side of the boat seeing we are in the middle of the ocean. Elias walks up beside me grabbing my hand.

Suddenly I hear even more thunder and the boat starts to rock back and forth. I start hearing people yelling and screaming as water started going all over the boat. People tried to get below deck but it was just so hard to move around.

My hand still in Elias I lose my balance sliding to the edge of the boat I almost fall off, but if it wasn't for Elias holding my hand I would have.

He pulls me back away from the side of the boat but out of nowhere barrels start rolling at us. We look at each other knowing are only way to not get crushed is to jump. So we did

On the way down I hit my head not the side of the boat knocking me unconscious.


I wake up coughing up water. The first thing I notice is the smell of salty water and the sand between my fingers and toes.

I look around noticing another body. realizing that it's Elias. I quickly get up slipping but still running towards him. I pull him over on his back and start taping his face trying to wake him up.

"Elias.." tap

"Elias" tap tap

"ELIAS" smack

Finally he wakes up spitting water all over me. "Ewww" I squint in disgust. "Why would you do that" I whine. "Why would you snack me!!" He whines back.

"I thought you were dead you muttonhead" I smack his forehead. "Heyyy" he whines. I giggle and start to get up.

I look around and see a huge island. I look back at the sea trying to find the boat, but it was no where to be found.

Then the realization hits me. "We're stranded..." I say with a bit of worry.

"At least we have each other" Elias says trying to make me feel better.

"I guess so"

Authors notes

I don't know if anybody will read this but I hope you like it whoever you are. Please vote please comment and especially give me feed back


Words: 1309

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