4{team Astrid}4

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Ophelia's POV


It's been a couple weeks since I've been at Dragons edge. Me and hiccup are still in touch though. We have been sending terror mails to each other when ever we get the chance.

But today was different.

I just got back from my morning ride with Onyx and I got a terror mail. But this one seemed different. The terrible terror looks like it's scared and has been flying as fast as it can. I open the note reading.

Dear Ophelia and Elias.
Please come to Dragons edge as fast as you can. But be careful.
The edge is under attack and we need your guys help.
Please come a soon as you see this
P.s Ophelia please be careful. When dagur finds out that you have another night fury he will be targeting you.

Oh my Thor. I get on Onyx and fly as fast as I can to Elias. "Elias get on Ester we need to go." That's all I say before I start flying towards dragons edge.

I slow down a little knowing Onyx is faster than Ester. When Elias catches up to me, he start asking me a bunch of questions. "Where are we going. Are you ok. What happened" I quickly answered them.

"Dragons edge. I'm fine. It's getting attacked ". I say which shocks him. He looks at me knowing that if I stick with him going his speed it will take us like a day, but if I go know as fast as I can I can get there like 2 hours faster.

"O, you need to go. Don't wait for me, get there as fast as you can" I try to object but he cuts me off before I could. "Ophelia grimborn. Go" I sigh "fine"

That's when I speed off. Going as fast as Onyx can.


It was the next day but I could see the island in my sights. When I got closer I could hear the shouting of angry men.

When I could see the ships i quickly made Onyx stop. I didn't see the dragon riders so I assumed they are in the dome. When Astrid was showing me around Dragons Edge she showed me how to get in by going threw a tunnel.

But if I do that all the ships will see me. But that's when I remember that Onyx has this cool ability to disappear. That's my plan. Quickly I take out my cloak that I painted with Onyx's shedded scales and put it on.

"Onyx you know what to do boy". Onyx started to fly backwards before flying forwards as fast as he can shooting a plasma blast and flying right threw it. As soon as we we turned invisible we went straight for the little tunnel. At the end of the tunnel we waited for the invisibility to wear off to go up and see the gang.

As soon as I got up I saw that they were all in defence mode. "Whoa whoa it's me Ophelia" I put my hands up laughing. I land onyx and dismount him. "Ok so what's going on". I asked confused

Hiccup is the first one to talk. "An enemy of ours found are base and he's trying to take it over". He says walking towards me. "Ok so what are we all doing in here? Why are we not out there fighting?" I say putting my hands on my hips.

"Because we are waiting for Astrid and my dad to come help. Which should be any hour now" hiccup answers again. "Ok" I nod.

"Where's Elias?" Fish legs ask. "Oh since Onyx is faster the Ester he made me leave him. But he should be here any hour" he nods

(Secrets)-(a httyd/rtte hiccup x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now