2{meeting him again}2

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Ophelia's POV


Finally I get to Johan's market stall. "Ughh where are you Elias". I say with a hint of annoyance. "Looking for someone miss Ophelia?". I hear Johan say from behind me. "Ya I'm just waiting for Elias to get here. But we do have some questions for you" I say

He nods. "Are the questions about your father? Because I will have you know if I find anything it will be teremailed to you". He says.

I shake my heads "no it's other questions".

"Well then, would you like some tea while we wait?" he questions. "Oh that's very kind of you but it's ok" I smile at him.

"O"I turn hearing someone call my name. "One second Johan" I say turning away from him. "There you are Elias". I say walking up to him. "Did you find anything" I whisper. "Nope" he whispers back to me.

We walk over to Johan. "Is there anywhere private we could go to talk?" I ask him. "Of course come on in" he say pointing at his tent.

Before I go in I look around because I feel like someone was watching me. That's when someone catches my eye. Hiccup. He quickly looks away realizing he was caught. I laugh softly smiling at him and walk in the tent.


After talking to Johan. we got pretty good information out of him. He told us the guy riding the night fury is the chief of berks son. Me and Elias walk out of the tent ready to get home, to make a plan on how to find Berk. Since we've never been there before.

I look at the sky seeing the blue start to blend into a pink. "It's getting dark. We should probably continue are search tomorrow" I say walking into the woods, where our dragons are.
I whistle knowing Onyx will hear. "There's my beautiful boy" I say seeing him in the distance. running towards him as he runs towards me. I Scratch him under his chin he cooes back.

I see Elias goes over to his dragon Ester. "Hey boy" he say giving him some food he bought. I can tell Onyx was a bit jealous so I call over to Elias. "Hey Eli, can I get some of that" pointing at the food. He hands some over to me. "Of course O, we wouldn't want Onyx to starve would we". He says in a joking manner.

I smile at him before turning back to Onyx. "Here you go boy". I say giving Him the food. He eats it and I laugh at his funny face.

Even tho Onyx can be a goofball sometimes, that does not mean he isn't dangerous. I've seen what this dragon can do for his loved ones, and it's pretty scary.

As I get on Onyx ready to fly home, I see the dragon rides I saw before.

I look over to Elias, whistling to get his attention. I point up at the dragons. Should we follow them? As if he read my mind he nodded. We were gonna follow them.


It was a good thing it was getting dark or else it would have been way harder to be stealthy.

It took a couple hours of flying until we saw an island in the distance. I look to Elias who was already looking at me. We nod at each other.

We break off from following the riders and land on their island. We decided to make camp so we can think about what we should do next.

I pull out one of the blankets I have in my pack that was connected to Onyx's saddle and place it down next to a tree. I go back to Onyx and I take off his saddle, wanting him to feel comfortable. He coos happily.

The place we picked to camp was pretty sheltered by trees so we decided to set up a fire.

Walking around to try and find some good fire wood. I hear a twig snapping. Quickly i drops the wood in my arms and pull out jmy dagger. Spinning to where the noise was. I was met with a red and black dragon. I sign in relief.

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