7{bad moon rising}7

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Ophelia's POV


We were on our way back from being captured by the dragon hunters and my head felt like it was going to explode. First I find out that my family isn't dead, then I find out my uncle is a part of the group who kidnapped me and my friends, then I find out that my father Viggo Grimborn is the LEADER of said group of Vikings who hunt, kill and sell dragons. Speaking of dragons mine is nowhere to be found and I am worried sick.

Getting a headache from all the thinking I rest my head on hiccups back, closing my eyes.

It's been around an hour and hiccup nudges me. "Hey, we are back now". He says softly. We land at the stable and I get off toothless, petting his nose and getting a happy coo in return. Smiling one last smile I make my way up to my hut. But I was stopped by Astrid. "Hey. I am so sorry that Onyx wasn't-". I stopped her from finishing her sentence.

"No no it's not your fault you shouldn't be apologizing. I mean you should be happy, you got stormfly back". I smile at her. "I'm just gonna go to my hut. I'm really tired from the long flight". I smile again turning away from her, trying to hide that I have tears in my eyes.

I walk up to my hut whipping my tears then I see that my hut door is open. Then I heard things moving around in it. Confused I take my dagger out and then slowly make my way to the opening. I was about to run in yelling. "Ahhh". Then as soon as I saw who it was I dropped the dagger.

"ONYX!" I yell running to him. He also runs to me. I hug him. "Oh my Thor. Where have you been. I thought you were captured by the hunters but when you weren't there I was so scared as to what happened". I scrambled out. I pull away from the hug and see his goofy grin making me laugh.

"Come on not let's go show the others your home!". I get on him and fly towards the stable. I saw that the gang was just leaving so Onyx and I flew as fast as we could past them spinning, flipping, and doing all these different tricks. That's when I hear cheering. "Woo hoo" "Go Ophelia and Onyx" "he's back" "There he is". Hearing it all made me smile.

Thank Thor I found him again


A week later

Me and onyx just got back from our little flight. We landed beside the dome seeing that everyone was there. When I looked in the open dome I saw what looked like a metal Viking dummy. Then I saw Snotlout shoot at it on hookfang, and his fire didn't even stand a chance. Then hiccup came flying down shooting at the base of it marking it go flying. I chuckled looking up at him giving him a thumbs up and getting one in return.

I looked over to fishlegs and gobber seeing that they were giving each other high fives. I look back at the dummy. it was now barf and belches turn. They started stomping on it then they both took a side. Then ruffnut came out of nowhere and took a bite out of it too. She was dangling in the air by her teeth. It made a shiver go down my spine.

That's when Astrid walked up. I smiled at her and got one back. She walked over to Gobber and fishlegs saying. "All right. Let's see how your Gronkle iron holds up against a close-range spine shot". She said putting her hands on her hips. "Be our guest". Fishlegs say pointing at the dummy.

"Stormfly! Spines!". Astrid says pointing at the target. That's when hiccup came up behind me giving me a small smile. I smiled back at him. Turning back to the target I saw Tuffnut about to walk into the spine. Hiccup also saw it and we both yelled "Tuff, No!".

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