10{edge of disaster pt 2}10

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Ophelia's POV


I start to wake up when I feel something around my waist. I open my eyes to see someone's shirt, then I feel a light breath on the top of my head. I look up and see a sleeping hiccup. I smile softly then slowly try and take hiccups arm off my waist so I can get up without waking him.

After about five minutes I am finally released from his grasp. I let out a sigh. I never knew he was a cuddler. I chuckled quietly to myself, then decided to see how Fishlegs is doing. I walk towards the cliff and look down. I smile seeing him asleep. At least he's ok. for now.

I then feel something nudging my shoulder and look over to see what it was. It was onyx. Petting him under the chin, he stretched, then laid down next to me. I then went back to watching over the wild dragons and fishlegs.


It's been like an hour and now everyone is up. Right now we were all on are dragons, Johann on meatlug, getting ready to start hiccups plan. "Okay, we all know the plan, correct?" Hiccups asks us all.

Me and snotlout say yes when Johann jumps up saying the opposite. "We all know the plan, you told us 25 times. Just so you know I still object". Snotlout says making me roll my eyes. "Objection still noted, now Johann, your only job is to distract the dragon sentry on the far cliff. approach it from the rear, so that meatlug doesn't Fishlegs". Hiccup says kinda worried, looking over at Johann.

"Master hiccup, why shouldn't meatlug see master Fishlegs?" Johann says on a very excited and jumpy meatlug. "because she might... well we don't know what she'll do." Hiccup said with some hand gestures and a shrug. "Sure we do" snotlout butt in, making hiccup yell at him. "Snotlout!" The boy in question just continued. "What? You dont think Johann should know what could happen to him?".

"Yes I do. I think I should know what could happen to me." Johann says now backwards on meatlug. "Nothing will happen to you, Johann. I promise." I say looking at Johann sincerely. "Ophelias right, nothing will happen to you. You're going to be fine. As long as you stick to the plan".

Rolling my eyes, I get Onyx to go walk beside toothless. I then reach out and smack the one legged Vikings arm. "You're not really helpful, you know". I say looking at him.

He shrugs and rubs his arm. "It's the truth tho" . He then gives me a sweet smile, making me smile back at him.


Me and hiccup are now behind a rock trying to get Fishlegs attention. Hiccup kept calling his name but he wouldn't answer. I got tired of the boy ignoring us, so I picked up a pebble and threw it at him finally getting him to turn around. Hiccup then looks down at me with a 'really' look, I just shrugged.

He then looks at Fishlegs. "We're here to rescue you." I then ask him. "Are you ok?" He just ignored my question and said. "Hiccup, Ophelia?". Which hiccup replied with. "Yes yes it's us. Now come on before they realize you're gone". Fishlegs then looks at the dragons and back at us and walks over to us. "Look at these dragons. They have scars all over them".

"Well, this is quite a diverse pack. They Probably fight all the time." Hiccup say. I look around at the agitated dragons, then back at Fishlegs and Hiccup. "Can we just get out of here." I say with worry. Fishlegs then says. "The scars aren't from other dragons, Hiccup. There from humans. Those are arrow wounds, bola scars." Getting what Fishlegs was getting at hiccup says. "Dragon hunters."

I look towards the dragons with a saddened look. These poor dragons. I thought to myself. I look back at my friends and say. "That explains why dragons that are usually trained, would be so aggressive." The boys nodding at my words. "They attack humans, cause they've been hurt by dragon hunters." Fishlegs say, gesturing to the dragons. "Why would dragon hunters come near this place?" Hiccup asks his chin in his hand.

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