11{ a time to skrill}11

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An: for now on I'm gonna do the episode of rtte that I feel adds to the story so I'm not gonna do every single episode anymore, but I'll try to do most of them.


Ophelia's POV


The gang and I were now on the way back from taking the wild dragons back to their island. It was sad to see them go knowing what they've been through in that island but hiccup already promised me that we can go check on them whenever I'd like.

Right now I was laying on my back watching the clouds seeing if I could see any shapes in them. So far I've seen a yak, boat, and bird. The rest of the riders were just minding their own business. It was quiet, too quiet. Stretching I sit up.

I look over at Astrid who looked like she was about to die from boredom. I laugh to myself seeing how her eyes looked like they were about to shut. Her braid seemed a little messy so I called over to her.

"Hey A. Can I do your hair?" I asked, getting her attention. She smiled and nodded. "Of course you can Lia". I then smiled getting onyx to fly over to stormfly. When we were close enough I jump over and land on stormfly just behind Astrid. I then sit down and undo her hair.


It's been like 10 minutes and I was now done the blond girls braid. I smile at my work and pat Astrid's back. "All done". I say to her. She then turns to look at me with a smile. "Thanks Lia". I just nod, and whistle over to onyx who was just flying beside hiccup and toothless.

Quickly Onyx flys over but before he was close enough for me to actually get on him I jumped. I mean, when I'm bored I'm bored. So might as well jump of a dragon.

I heard a couple gasps as a fell but I knew Onyx would never let me get hurt so around 5 seconds later I was back on Onyx flying back up towards the gang.

"Why did you do that?" I hear a guys voice call out to me. It was hiccup. I just shrug. "I'm bored, might as well have a little fun" he just smiles and shakes his head.


Thank Thor we finally made it back to the edge. right now it was around supper time but I just went right to my hut. I'm so tired that all I wanna do is go to sleep for the next 5 days. But before I left I said my goodbyes and good nights to the gang earning some in return.

Now I am comfortably in bed, snuggling into my blanket. Letting sleep wash away all my worries.


Running. The first thing I heard was someone running then someone knocking on my door. I quickly get up from my bed and run to the door.

"What's wrong?" I ask quickly, seeing hiccups worried face.

"Outcast Island was attacked". He said making me nod and run back into my hut grabbing a hair tie and some other things. When I got back to the door hiccup was gone.

I then whistle, calling for Onyx. After about 15 seconds Onyx was by my side. Quickly I mounted him and flew to the others.


When we got to the island it was quiet. No one was there. I was looking around when hiccup spoke up from beside me. "Weird. I don't see any arrows or spears" I nodded, looking around some more.

"No boulders from catapults." Fishlegs adds on. "This doesn't seem like an attack from hunter". I say looking over at hiccup.

"Well, whoever did this meant business." Astrid said nodding at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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