8{snow way out}8

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Ophelia's POV


Me and Elias are almost back at the edge. It's been around a week since we were there. Hopefully nothing to crazy has happened.

"We are almost back!" I call over to Elias excited. "What, are you happy to see hiccup again?" He asked catching me off guard. "Oh come on O. We all see how you two are together," he says again laughing a little. I scoff. "I have no idea what your talking about BUT I do see how you and Astrid are." I look over at him seeing him blush.

I laugh, then see the stables. "Last one at the stables is a rotten dragon egg!" I yell out speeding away from Elias. "Hey that's not-" I heard Elias begin to say before I was to far ahead.

I land my dragon. I guess seeing me on my dragon caught some people's attention. I dismount Onyx but then out of nowhere was dragged to the ground. "LIA!!" I hear a female voice in my ear. I start laughing, laying on my back. "Astrid!" I say finally seeing the girl. We then hugged still on the ground.

Then we heard more wings flapping. "What happened to you two?" It was Elias. As soon as Astrid heard his voice she got up, leaving me on the ground. "Oh wow ok just leave me here". I say closing my eyes.

"Would you like some help?" A confused voice say's with a little laugh. Quickly I opened my eyes looking infront of me. It was hiccup. Of course it was hiccups. "Yes please.." I say with an embarrassed laugh. I lift my hand up for him to take which he gladly did. he pulled me up, looking down at me.

"I'm glad your back" he says smiling softly. "I'm glad to be back" I say back smiling sheepishly. "There's so much I need to fill you in on." He's says sounding excited. I laugh "how much could have happened in a week?" I question. Looking from hiccup to Astrid.

"Oh trust me. A lot can happen". Astrid. I look at her. "Well I guess I need someone to fill me in." I say smiling. Then I feel myself start to move "well then I should tell you all about it right now!" Hiccup exclaims, still having my hand in his he starts to drag me to his hut.


"Holy shit!" I say after hearing everything that happened. " ok. So snotlout lost this axe that is very important?" I ask looking at hiccup. He just gives me a mhm in return. "And somehow it landed on a armoured dragon". I say "Mhm, we are calling it the armour wing" hiccup says smiling. "The armour wing right... ok and then you finally get it back by using smotheringsmokebreaths." I continued. "Ya that was somehow snotlout idea." He says surprised. "Damn, that's actually pretty smart, but don't tell snotlout I said that" I say in a warning tone. "Oh don't worry I won't, he doesn't need a bigger ego" I nod in agreement.

"Ok so you guys were still late to the wedding? But then there actually wasn't a wedding?" I say kinda confused. Hiccup just nods. "Yeah I'm still kinda confused too" he chuckles. I smile but then continue. "And when you finally came back to the edge somehow fish legs and ruff got married? But not actually married?" He nods. "Yup".

"Holy and that was all in one day?" I asked astonished. "Yup pretty much" he says with a shrug. " oh, but then a couple days later when the gang was making a new watch tower me and toothless saved barf and belch from a avalanche and then, for some reason they had to repay me, and they abandoned ruff and tuff, which made them just follow me around all day, and then finally I had enough of it, so I went on a walk by myself, and then got captured by dragon hunters and barf and belch saved me which repaid their debt to me so now the twins have their dragon back." Hiccup says nonchalantly.

I stare at him with my mouth a-gaped and eyes wide. "Are you ok!?" I ask kinda frightened. He laughs softly at my concern. "I'm fine don't worry" he smiles. I just nod. "Ok if you're sure". I look outside seeing that it was getting dark. "I should probably go to my hut, it's getting dark?" I say standing up from his bed and heading to the ladder. He follows me down. Before I get to the door he grabs my hand. I look over at him confused. "I'm glad you're back" he says softly. I smile at him "I'm glad I'm back to" I say giving his hand a little squeeze then letting go.

(Secrets)-(a httyd/rtte hiccup x oc story)Where stories live. Discover now