1{The northern market}1

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Ophelia's POV


————13teen years later————

On the flight to the northern market to sell my new treasures and maybe get some new weapons my beautiful black and red night fury starts to get jittery.

"Hey boy what's the matter" I lean down patting the side of his neck. All I get was a cooing noise come from him but then he starts looking around like he was on high alert.

"Onyx, what's th-" out of no where he darts down hiding under some trees. I look up and see 5 dragons fly over head. A Gronkle, sippleback, deadlynadder, monstrousnightmare and a.. a night fury

But something was off about this night fury. It's left tail fin was gone but re made with what looked like red cloth. Weird

I look down to onyx "your not the last one..." I say kinda iffy on the situation. he does a happy growling noise back, making me smile.

We fly up and start to follow. But that's when I realize something. they all had Vikings on their backs. I continue following them but then they land. They're probably going to the market. So I decided to try and find them in the market.

I land my dragon and tell him to stay there and make my way to the market. I was looking around then I see a group of six, just like the vikings on the dragons. I started following them accidentally getting one of there attention. I quickly ran behind a barrel.

I need Elias. I run back to where Onyx was and mount him "Come on boy" I say flying him back towards my Island


I fly back to my island and land at the stables and get off Onyx. I start running towards the one place I know Elias will be. The training arena.

"Elias" I yell. "Back already" I hear a manly voice yell back.

"We need to talk" I say when I see Elias. "Ok.. is everything ok O?" He says coming over to me checking to make sure I'm not ok. "Ya I'm fine don't worry Eli, but I didn't get to sell or buy anything from the northern market"

He looks at me confused. "Why not" I look at him. "I saw other dragon riders". He seems to get excited at that. "Wait really!"

"Ya but that's not the best part" he looks at me confused again. "One of them was riding a night fury" I say with an iffy smile.

He looks at me confused "is that a bad thing?" He says with a confused look. I sigh "I'm not sure but when I saw the night fury half of its tale fin was missing and it had what looked like cloth as a new one".

That confused him even more. "Maybe the dragon lost it in a fight or something and the rider fixed it up for him". He shrugs

That's Elias for you. Always trying to see the best in people. Me no. I couldn't I'm what people like to call an over-thinker.

"Or the rider cut it off as a way to force the dragon into submission" I say with a mad look. "Thor O, why do you always think the worst of people". I shrug

"Maybe they are still at the northern market" he suggests. I look at him kinda iffy. "And if these dragon riders are really bad I'll let you punch them".

I smile at that. "I'll go get Onyx"


"So what do you think we should say if we do find the dragon riders" Elias yells over to me. "I don't know yet but we should probably think about how we find them first"

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