6{night of the hunters pt 2}6

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Ophelia's POV


I was awoken by what seemed to be knocking. I opened one eye, seeing a guy with a scar across his face and what looked to be blue war paint. I turn away from him closing my eyes again. "Oh come on. Don't be mean". The male voice calls out. I laugh dryly. "Says the guy who is holding me and my friends captive".

"Right to the point I see. And are you even friends with them? I mean what you've been apart of their little posse for a week. They only want you around because of your dragon". He says taunting me. I scoff. "Why would I take anything you say to heart". I say walking up to you. "I mean, you are a 22 year old Viking, who is holding a grudge on a bunch of teenagers? Sounds pretty immature to me". I say shrugging.

This made him angry. "Hahahaha". He starts laughing like an idiot. "Your lucky Ryker likes you so much. Or so help me Thor I would-" before he could finish his sentence someone interrupted him. She coughs getting the guy's attention. "You were supposed to come get her. Not taunt her.". She says unlocking my sell. "Now come on. And I advise you not to fight back". I scoff. "Ya like you could take me".  I say walking past her.

We start walking towards what looks like the captains quarters. I look out side one of the windows and see that it's dark out. We make it to the end of the hall and the girl with raven hair knocks on the door. It was quiet for a second before I hear a deep voice call out from behind the door. "Come in". The dark haired girl opens the door. I was hesitant for a second then I feel a hand on my back pushing me. Quickly I walk away from the hand into the room.

That's where I saw Ryker. Sitting at a desk. But there was another person. There back was facing me. That's when I saw that familiar hair colour. "Astrid?". The girl turns around. "Ophelia!" She say jumping out of her seat running to me, pulling me into a hug. "Oh thank Thor you're okay". I say hugging her back. That's when I feel someone try to pull me away.

Quickly I elbow them in the face. "Ugh owww!" The person says. I turn to see who it was and it was the guy with the scares. "Oops". I say making Astrid laugh. "Take her back to her sell". Ryker says making me glare at him. I turn to Astrid giving her a smile and nod goodbye. She looked tired she needed to get some sleep.

She leaves and my smile drops. "Check her pockets". Ryker calls out. As I was about to object, people started to go threw my pockets. "Hey watch your hands" I say glaring at them. They start pulling out my daggers and knives. I smirk seeing there surprised faces. That's when they check the pocket I put the picture in. "Hey that's mine". I say trying to get it back.

"Hand it here". Ryker says. They hand the picture to him. When he saw it at first he smiled but then it disappeared. "Hunters get out". I look at him confused. "But Ryker sir-". One of the dragon hunters were cut off. "I said out". He yelled at them. Quickly they scrambled out. I look back to Ryker confused.

"Sit" he says pointing at a chair. Not wanting to fight with him I do as told. "Where did you get this". He says showing me the picture I found. "Uhm". Not really wanting to say anything I stalled. "Where are we going?" I ask. "I asked you a question. Now answer it!" He said banging his fist on the desk. I scoffed. "Fine, I found it on one of your old dragon hunting ships. Why do you want to know so bad?". He ignored my question. "And why did you take it?" He says like he's trying to figure something out and I'm the one with the answer. I shrugged. "I don't know. It was just a gut feeling I guess". He just nods at that.

"What happened to your family?". Now that question caught me off guard. "Ya like I'm gonna tell you!". I say with a dry laugh. "Do you have a mom or just a dad". At that I go quiet looking at the floor. It was I while ago but I still remember that night when I lost my family.

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