5{night of the hunters pt1}5

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Ophelia's POV


It's been 2 months since Dagger attacked the edge. Me and Elias are now official dragon riders. We both have our own huts. Mine is dark grey and red and Elias is light grey and green. 

In those 2 weeks, Astrid has become pretty much my best friend. We train together, groom are dragons together, go on flights together, pretty much anything and everything.

But Astrid isn't the only person I've been close with, I've also been close with hiccup. Most of the time if I'm not with Astrid, I'm with hiccup. Either we are going on flights, going on walks or he's catching me up on all the dagger dragon eye drama. and since Onyx and Toothless are like siblings, it gives us another reason to hangout with each other.

Today I'm going to go on a morning flight with Astrid.

I make my way down to the stables and whistle to Onyx. He's been sleeping anywhere other than the stable it seems. i smile when I hear wings flapping and look towards it. "There you are boy," I say to the fury.

He growls happily back at me. "You ready for our flight?" He nods with excitement. "Well come on then". I mount him and meet Astrid at our usual spot.

"Hey A" I call out to the girl. She turns to look at me. "Hey O" she smiles. "You ready for our flight" she asks. "As ready as always to beat your ass" I laugh. "Hey, you cheat" she laughs back trying to defend herself.

"Well, maybe you'll catch me if you stop your complaining" I joke back flying off. "Hey that's not fair you had a head start" she laughs chasing after me. "Excuses" I call back.

"Woo hoo" we yell as we chase terrible terrors. We fly up these rocks and fall backwards. I hear the blonde beside me yell. "We're going vertical stormfly". Both of us scream on the way down. Then we glide just above a forest before we begin weaving in and out through the trees.

We look at each other seeing a perfect spot to leave our dragons so we can swing through the trees. "See you on the other side!!" I yell before we both jump off our dragons. Jumping from branch to branch we swing from a vine. Fling ourselves so high we meet our dragons and land back on them.

"Miss me," I ask Onyx, who just growled happily. We fly through this canyon. I reach out and touch the water under me. Laughing as it tickles my fingers. Then we finally land on some rocks.

Leaning on our dragons trying to catch our breath Astrid says. "Nothing like an early morning ride to start the day". I laugh addng. "You can say that again". Putting my hands behind my head I hear Astrid talk about how we should do this more often. I just nod in agreement.

Then out of nowhere, we hear a dragon in distress. I quickly sit up. "You heard that right". I say looking at Astrid. She nods back at me. We both mount our dragons and fly to where we heard the sound.

We fly towards a beach and see these huge ships. We land on a cliff not that far away. "I've never seen those colours before," Astrid says. "Ya me neither," I say hesitantly. I don't know why but I feel like I have. "But I have seen that insignia, it was on the reaper-" I finish her sentence for her "dragon hunters"

"Come on, let's get a better look" I nod back at her as we fly down behind these 2 rocks. We look and see this beautiful purple and orange monstrous nightmare in a cage. Poor guy. Then a dragon hunter started banging on the cage saying something but I was too far away to hear what.

suddenly this bald guy pushes the dragon hunter's head into the cage, again saying something I couldn't hear. After a couple of seconds the dragon pounces but before it could get to the hunter the bald man pulls his head back throwing him backwards.

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