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Ophelia's POV


"Hi" I say awkwardly. All I got in return was some heys and ya whatever's. All of a sudden the groups face went shocked and a little scared. I was confused at first but then I heard a growl coming from behind me.

I laugh at their faces and turn around seeing Onyx and Ester. I get why they would be kinda scared I mean Onyx does look pretty scary. He has his ears up, pupils thin and he looks very tense. As I was about to walk up to him I hear a female voice.

"What are you doing are you crazy!" I look at her and laugh, hearing another laugh. Looking over I see hiccup. I smile at him receiving one back.

I look back to the blonde. "Don't worry, the worst thing he will do is lick me to death". I begin walking to Onyx again. As soon as I pet his nose he changed. He was sitting now, pupil big with a big goofy smile. I laugh at him.

Elias runs to Ester. "Oh boy, I missed you" Ester gives a happy growl in return.

As I was looking back at the group they looked even more shocked now with their mouth's dropped.

One of the shorter guys started to smirk, walking over to me. "Hey, I'm Snotlout" he says winking at me. I giggled. "Hey snotlout" he went to try and put his arm around me but Onyx didn't seem to like that.

Onyx growled at him making snotlout jump. "Ok I guess I shouldn't do that" he says nervously wiping his hand on his pants, distancing himself from me and Onyx.

I hear more feet walking towards us. "I'm Astrid, cool dragon" a female voice says. "Thank you" I smile at her. but then someone budges in-front of her. "I'm tuff nut, nice dragon what's its name" the guy says getting in my face. I was about to answer but then someone pulls him away.

"I'm ruff-nut, the better twin. where did you find him" the female version of the other guy says also getting in my face. That's when I feel someone take my hand pulling me away from the crowed.

I look up to see who it was and it was hiccup.  I guess he could tell I was getting overwhelmed. "Whoa whoa, guys calmed down". He laughs a little.

"I'll show you and Elias around the Edge, if you would like?". He asks. I look to Elias. He nods at me. "Ya we would like that". I smile looking back at hiccup. That's when someone interrupted us.

"I mean I can show you around Dragons edge, I'm basically chief". Snotlout say taking my hand pulling me away from hiccup. Quickly I look back at hiccup who is glaring at Snotlout. "I think we are fine with hiccup showing us around". Elias buds in pulling me away from snotlout.

Ughh why do people keep dragging me around. I walk away from Elias looking at the three boys. "I am not some piece of meat you guys can just drag around" I say a little upset. I look to the pretty blonde. "Astrid right?" She nods.  "if it's not much of a bother could You show me and Elias around dragons edge?". I say trying to be polite.

She smiles at me. "Of course I can. Follow me". She says walking out of the dome. Elias let's out a little chuckle before following after Astrid. Before I leave I look over to hiccup to see he was already looking at me with that smile that can make any girl swoon. I smile back before I walk out.


After Astrid showed me and Elias around Dragons edge it looked like Onyx was very jittery. I look over to Astrid. "Hey I'm just gonna take Onyx on a little flight. Maybe explore the island a little bit if that's ok?"

She smiles at me. "Ya of course. I would get back before dark. It's kinda hard to find your way back if your just getting used to the island". I start to get on Onyx. "I'll keep that in mind" I smile back at her.

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