9{edge of disaster pt 1}9

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Ophelia's POV


It's been a couple days since the heather thing. And let's just say. Hiccup has been well, different. We don't go on random rides anymore, we haven't just hung out together in what felt like forever.

Now it's was the morning. I get up got changed, brushed my hair and teeth then walked out of my hut. As soon as I did I can hear a female voice yelling. Probably Astrid. I shrug it off and walk towards the noise.

I was climbing up this ladder and when I got to the top I heard. "Not funny. We built that watchtower-" I then cut the blond girl off. "Woah what happened?" I said with a hint of humour. "Two dummies left two dummies to be on watch at the watchtower". Astrid said looking at me showing me the twins helmets. I step off the ladder and walk towards her now seeing who she was yelling at. Hiccup. I look the floor when I saw him look at me. Then look back to Astrid. "Now it makes sense why you're yelling." I say with Little chuckle.

Astrid then looks over at hiccup. " I just don't understand how this isn't making you completely insane." She said with a hint of annoyance. "because then there'd be two crazy people in this conversation. And we probably wouldn't resolve anything." Hiccup said making me look at him with disbelief. He looks at me then smiles a little, but it seemed like he realized he was smiling and it vanished.

"Are you saying I'm-". Astrid began to say when hiccup interrupted her. "Astrid let me talk to the twins. I'll get their side of the story the we can figure out what we need to do". Astrid sighed and said. "I guess it's a start". Then all of a sudden the twins pop up behind us on their dragon. "Well, if it isn't our crack security team now!" Astrid said throwing them their helmets. I slowly back away from the conversation and ended up beside hiccup. "Oh please, please. There's no need to shower us with accolades". Tuff said putting on his helmet.

"Tuff you left two dummies to protect this entire base. What were you thinking". That was the last thing I heard about the conversation because I was more interested in the terrible terror coming are way. I put my arm out so it can land there. Hmm a letter? I then take the letter that was tide to its leg and passed it to hiccup. I'm now petting the dragon, waiting for hiccup to open it. "Terror mail. Hm." Hiccup said also intrigued.

He opened the letter showing that it was from johann. While I was reading, Astrid asked me and hiccup. "Are you following any of this?" I quickly look up. "Not. Super closely." Hiccup said still looking at the note. "Ya... no I wasn't. Sorry" I say sheepishly. "I'm actually reading this. It's from Johann. He's in trouble." Hiccup said.


The gang and is were now at the stables getting ready. Snotlout, Fishlegs and hiccup were the ones that are "supposed to go" because they have armour and meatlug is immune to the arrows but that's not gonna stop me. I would have armour but Onyx wouldn't allow that. I walk up to the three. "I'm going with you guys." I said with my hands on my hips.

Hiccup groans. "No you're not. Me and snotlout are the only ones who have dragon armour". I shrug. "Ok so. I bet you me and Onyx are way better at dodging arrows than you two and Johann has been there for me and Elias SO many times. I need to repay him." I say pleading with hiccups. "No. As leader I'm putting my foot down." This made me glare at him.


I am now getting Onyx ready to take flight. I look over at hiccup with a big smile. And he can't help but chuckle. Then Astrid came leaking up with the twin's behind her. "You are not leaving me here with these two mutton heads." She said annoyed. " she knows we're standing right here, right?" Tuff said look at his sister.

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