like a stab in the heart

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[~•~Ikuto's view~•~]

I felt hot.

I was over at Amu's place, in her bed. We feel asleep yesterday. But I wondered where this heat came from.

As soon as I opened my eyes I notices where it came from. It was Amu. She clung to me tightly. Her face looked pained and her whole body was sweating, but she was still asleep.

She clung to me even tighter. I wondered what was wrong. Is she having a nightmare? Is it really that bad?

I ran my hand over her trying to calm her but instead making her wince under my touch. I saw there's nothing I could have done for her, that's why I just kept her close to me.

After a while she jumped up panting and sweat bathed. She looked scared as she tried to catch her breath.

"Amu what's wrong?" I asked puting my hands on her shoulders.

She jumped up at the sound of my voice before looking at me. Her eyes widened with surprise while at the same moment qatef started to build in them.

Tears soon streamed down her cheeks down to her chin as she started to sob. I panicked and pulled her in my chest, gently caressing her head, trying to calm her.

She sobbed while clinging to my shirt.

"Shh. Its alright" I calmed her "did yup out have a nightmare?" I asked.

She didn't have enough power to response and just nodded her head.

"That bad?"

Again she just nodded her head

"You want to talk about it?"

This time she shock her head before clinging to my shirt harder while curling up into a ball.

After a while she finally started sobbing and just shivered a little.

"It was just a dream" i said patting her head.

"I know..." she mumbled.

"You're all sweaty...don't you want to take a shower?" I asked.

She shock her head. She didn't seem to want to move yet. I picked her up before going inside the bathroom with her and filed the tub with water.

I helped her out of her sweaty cloths before helping her inside the tub.

"Feeling better now?" I asked.

"A little.." she responded running her hands through her wet hair.

"Would you feel much better if I join you in the tub?" I asked grinning a little.

"I-I'm fine like this.." she responded as a blush appeared on her cheeks.

I smiled. She's acting a little normal now. I really wonder what she dreamed of that makes her panic so much.

"I'm not used to nightmares" she muttered.


"I never have nightmares...well, if I do they're making me freak out a lot...that's why I'm panicking so much" she explained.

"It's just a dream. Its not real" i said.

"I know....but they feel so real. They're not like a zombie is haunting me. Its something in real live that scares me..."

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from anything" I said before peeking her forehead.

She smiled at me gently, leaning back in the tub while staring at me.

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