The doll maker

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[~•~Amu's view~•~]

"Yay! I won!" I cheered while Ikuto patted my head.

"See, poker is a simple game" he said.

Utau glared at me "that's not fair!! Amu gets help from Ikuto!!"she groaned.

"Hey! You don't need to sit on a perverts lap the whole time!" I protested.

"And what is the problem here! He didn't do anything perverted did he!?"

"No! But guess What's poking me the whole time".

"You know what? I don't really want to know! We stop playing poker before I get broke because of you two!" She responded with her hands up.

"Hm... then how about we start with the horror stories again?" I asked while counting the money I won from Utau.

With Ikuto's help I won every round, but his condition was that I'd sit n his lap the whole time.

"NO! No scary stories! I'm still scared of putting my feet back on the floor because a creepy tentacle monster may come out and tries to cut open my heel!!" protested Yaya.

After about 10 of my horror stories she clung to Kairi as if her life depended on it. I forgot that she hates horror stories.

"Really,where did you get such horror stories from?" Asked Rima shuddering. She too didn't take the horror stories well.

"Oh they just kind of got in my mind" I responded while thinking of what we could do now.

"We could also spilt up and look around in the mansion"I suggested.


"No,no.1 rule is never enter the creepy mansion" I corrected him.

"And what would be the 3rd rule?" Asked Nagi.

"Never follow a creepy noise and the 4th is never enter a room alone" I said.

"Instead of talking about creepy stuff how about we distract us and play a simple round of truth or dare" suggested Ikuto.

"Hm..that's a good idea" I responded.

"Just say you also have a bottle in your bag?" asked Yaya.

I took out a big bottle of coke and drank it empty in 1 minute.

"Okay we can start now! Sit down!" I commanded as I sat down on the floor next to Ikuto.

The girls first protested because they were scared of spider, rats,cockroaches and everything else that could crawl around on the floor, but in the end they sat down too.

I first spoon the bottle and it landed on Kukai. I grinned while he started shuddering because he knew I'd do something horrible, no matter what he'd choose.

"Soo what do you chose?" I asked in a sadistic way.

"I know I shouldn't take dare because you're.... you, but the smirk on your face tells me that you want me to take truth, so I take dare" he responded.

I grinned "look under the couch!".


"You said dare! So I dare you to look under the couch" I commanded.

Hesitating at first he grabbed under the couch and found a plastic bag. He opened the plastic bag and looked inside and immediately threw it away.

"JESUS CHRIST!!" He screamed.

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