The Restricted Section

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Weeks soon passed, and Arabella was looking how to get into the Restricted Section of the Library.

While sitting on her bed her dormitory in the Slytherin common room, she suddenly got an idea, and wondered how she didn't think of it.

"The Invisibility Cloak" Arabella muttered, before getting up and getting a piece of parchment along with a quill and ink.

Dear Harry,

Could you please lend me the Cloak? I need to do something.

Love from Bella

Arabella read through the letter, before making her way to the Owlery to deliver it to Harry.

Arabella eventually approached the Owlery, and found Lunaris Jr, and tied the letter to her leg.

Lunaris Jr then took off, and Arabella watched as she disappeared into the distance.

Arabella then walked back down to the castle.

While she was walking the corridors, she heard a voice.

"Hello!" A voice called. Arabella turned around to see Amelia Anderson.

"Oh, er, hi" Arabella smiled.

"How are you?" Amelia smiled.

"I'm fine. What about you?" Arabella asked.

"I'm alright too. What've you been up to?" Amelia asked.

"Not much. Just sent a letter to my boyfriend" Arabella said.

"Oh, nice! What's your boyfriend's name, if you don't mind me asking?" Amelia asked.

"Oh, er, it's Harry Potter" Arabella said.

Amelia's eyes widened. "Wow! That's great!" Amelia said.

"Yeah, it is" Arabella said.

"What did you need him for?" Amelia asked.

Arabella hesitated for a second, but then spoke. "I needed his Invisibility Cloak, I need to sneak into the Restricted Section to get something"

"Ooh, can I come? I do like going on adventures. It's fine if I can't" Amelia asked.

"Oh, yeah, you can come. Might be better and easier" Arabella said.

"Oh, good" Amelia smiled.

A few days letter, Arabella got a reply from Harry and she assumed that he had said yes, as Lunaris Jr was holding the Invisibility Cloak.

Arabella caught the Cloak as Lunaris Jr dropped it.

Arabella then got up and got Amelia. They then went to the Central Hall, waiting for night, while also being hidden under the Cloak.

The sun had soon dipped below the horizon.

"Alright, let's go" Arabella said, and the pair of them walked towards the library. There were quite a few Prefects about.

Under the Cloak, Arabella and Amelia made their way inside the Library. The librarian, Madam Pince, was patrolling too.

"Can't be much of a problem for us under this" Amelia whispered, as they crept towards the Restricted Section.

They eventually got to the restricted section gate, and opened it.

They walked over to the stairs, where there was a book on the desk and it looked quite interesting.

Arabella went to open the book, only to realise it didn't open, and that it was just made to look useful.

"Trick book" Amelia smirked.

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