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Jongho hated everytting.

Why would his parents never listen to him? 

Instead of letting Jongho find a job or relax right after graduating high school, they insist he go to college to be just like them. His mother was a doctor and his father a lawyer. They expected nothing less from their only son and wanted to start his education as soon as possible.

They cared about his future, but Jongho could care less. He wanted to hang out with his friends or spend evenings playing Overwatch until his eyes got red. Not college, studying for the next four years. He felt trapped and as though he had no control over his life. He knew his parents meant well, but he was burnt out and needed time to himself. 

Jongho was bullied a lot in high school. He was a quiet kid who didn’t partake in many school activities. The only “activity” he would actually participate in was theater. 

Everyone called him gay and said that he was weird. Jongho never messed with anyone, so receiving so much hate for doing something he enjoyed took a toll on his mental health. 

What hurt him the most was.. He was gay. He liked boys, but never told a soul. He was ashamed of himself for even finding guys attractive but he douldn’t help himself. He gave up trying to pretend to be someone he wasn’t and decided to keep his sexuality to himself. 

The day Jongho dreaded had finally come. Summer passed by with a breeze and Jongho was now faced with another year of studying, exams, tests and potential bullying. 

This was just Wonderful! 

“Your advisor said that your room should be on the eighth floor. Now, let's hurry and bring your belongings up” Jongho’s mother beamed. She was the most excited to drop Jongho off to college while Jongho frowned, eyes staring dreadfully at the big building. 

They loaded Jongho’s boxed belongings on a trolley and up to the eighth floor. 

“Now Jjong, be nice to your roommate okay? Be respectful and don’t stay up all night screaming on that computer!” his mom scolded him. 

“I won’t, okay mom? I’m not a kid, I know when to be responsible” Jongho rolled his eyes in irritation. Not only was Jongho being forced to go to college, his parents had the audacity to get him into dorm with a Roommate! They said it would be good for him to socialize with a real human being and not be glued to his games. 

Once they arrived, Jongho took out the key and unlocked the door. The shared dorm was decent in size, containing a spacious living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and two bedrooms. Both rooms were opened, one completely furnished and the other empty. Jongho checked it out to be his roommate’s room. No one seemed to be inside said room, nor anywhere in the dorm at the moment. 

Jongho was a bit relieved, not ready to communicate with anyone so soon. He wanted to get himself situated first before making “nice” with the stranger. 

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