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Jongho had awoken to the sound of an alarm going off nonstop. Surprisingly not his own.

Jongho groaned, flipping over to cover his ears with his pillow. The alarm continued to go off and the pillow was doing nothing to block out the obnoxious sound. Annoyed, he sat up and threw off his blanket, grumpily making his way out the door.

He hadn't checked the time yet, but by the way the dorm was still dark, he knew it was pretty early in the morning. He could hear the noise coming from Mingi's room. He sighed before knocking loudly on his door. He waited a few seconds before knocking again, putting his head to the door to hear any sound of movement. Nothing.

"If Mingi can't hear his own damn alarm, he definitely won't hear me knocking" he thought to himself. He placed his hand on the knob, turning it slowly. He was surprised his door was unlocked but proceeded to make his way inside. He could see Mingi fast asleep, lips in a pout as he clung to his blanket. He looked so peaceful, completely unaware of the ear piercing noise coming from his phone.

Jongho looked over at his phone, reading the note on the alarm: Get ready for registration. The time was currently 5:51. Registration wasn't until 8:00, so why would he set his alarm so early?

Jongho rolled his eyes before dismissing the alarm. He sighed in relief, not having to hear it go off anymore. He sat down at the edge of Mingi's bed, looking down at the brunette as he snored quietly. He could see Mingi's wounds were starting to clear up, still there but not as prominent. It had been three days since he's gotten injured and he felt a little better knowing Mingi was taking care of them himself.

The only thing he didn't feel good about was Mingi disappearing again for those days.

It was currently Saturday and they needed to get their class schedules and books today. He hadn't the slightest idea of where Mingi could've been the past few days, but he knew classes started Monday and he would need to start focusing on studying.

Jongho didn't know why he was trying so hard to look out for the older - Was Mingi older than him? - He just felt bad for him. He was clearly dealing with something Jongho had no business butting into, but he was his roommate. If it was the other way around, he'd want someone there for him.

He reached down, placing his hand gently in Mingi's shoulder, shaking him slowly. "Mingi, wake up. Your alarm went off already".

Mingi stirred, only to turn slightly on his back, still asleep. Man was he a deep sleeper.  Jongho shook him again, a bit harder this time. "Mingi~ wake up please". Mingi groaned, subconsciously placing his right arm around Jongho's waist, pulling the boy on top of him. Mingi then wrapped his other arm around him, hugging the younger tightly. Jongho yelped loudly at the sudden action, causing him to lay flush against Mingi's chest, his head in the crook of Mingi's neck and trapped in his arms.

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