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"Alright class, that'll be all for today. Don't forget to turn in your work by Friday".

Wooyoung jumped up quickly, packing his things fast as he was so ready to leave.

Jongho laughed at his friend but wasn't far behind him.

The trio left their class and was now on their way to their next one, which didn't start until another half hour.

"Have you and Yeosang been texting? I know he can't get enough of you already" Wooyoung said with a smug smile, Yunho tsking as he shook his head.

"We have but just small talk. We have to get to know each other a bit before our date after all. I'm still really nervous though. I just hope I'm not too boring for him or not what he was expecting" Yunho said, now looking down at his feet as they walked.

Jongho frowned as he listened to Yunho.

"Yuyu Hyung, don't talk like that. You're enough, okay? If any of that was true, would he still be trying to pursue you?" Jongho said, Yunho taking a second to think about it.

"Hmm.. I guess you're right Jjong. I just can't help it, especially because he's the first guy to ever ask me out on a date".

"Don't worry bestie. You know that saying 'If he wanted to, he would'? Well, he did. He asked you out, not the other way around. You just gotta accept that you're a wanted man" Wooyoung said as he walked with a confident stride, making Yunho and Jongho burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Thanks Woo- Oh, I need to drop off some of my books in my locker" Yunho said, the trio walking to his locker, waiting as he put in the lock combination.

Jongho layed against a random locker next to Yunho's, resting his eyes for a bit.

"Wow Jjong, did you get any sleep last night?" Wooyoung asked as he looked at his friend's tired state.

"I'm so tired~ I stayed up late waiting for Mingi to get home. He told me not to but I was worried about him and San and-" Jongho stopped talking when he finally opened his eyes, noticing the questioning look Wooyoung was giving him.

"I-i mean, I- he forgot his keys and I had to let him in, s-so I waited up for him to get back" Jongho spoke quickly as he tried to cover up his words. He scratched the back of his head nervously, hoping Wooyoung wouldn't question him more about it.

He was glad that Wooyoung didn't know that San has their dorm key, so even if this was slightly true, he'd be able to get inside.

Wooyoung on the other hand really wanted to question him more, but he knew he shouldn't hound him about it because he knew Jongho would instantly shut down and deny everything.

"Please don't lie to me Jjong" Wooyoung thought to himself.

"Oh, well you should try taking a nap when we're done with our classes. I won't be able to play Overwatch today anyways because I haven't been taking my notes and I mustn't fail my very first assignment. My parents will literally castrate me" Wooyoung said, grimacing at the thought.

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