열 하나

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Jongho wish he could say he missed being at school but he didn't. He dreaded every single second of it, especially because a particular friend wouldn't stop bugging him.

He and his friends were currently eating lunch at the cafe where Yeosang worked but Jongho wished he was home.

"Jonghooooo~ stop ignoring me! You have to tell me what happened between you and Mingi" Wooyoung whined but Jongho buried his head in his hands.

"Hyung, for the last time there's nothing going on between us. Why would you even think that?" Jongho said in an annoyed tone. The older had a right to assume something was going on, but to Jongho's knowledge, Wooyoung knew more than he was leading on. He just wanted Jongho to tell him himself.

"Fine, don't tell me. I already know anyways" Wooyoung huffed as he crossed his arms and turned away from his friend stubbornly.

Yunho hit Wooyoung's arm, the other dramatically shouting out in pain even though the hit wasn't hard.

"Hey Woo, stop bugging Jongho about it. When he's ready to tell us- If he wants to tell us, he will, okay? Don't try and force it out of him" Yunho said, Jongho lifting up his head and giving his friend a small smile.

"Thanks Hyung. You guys are my friends and I'd never keep anything from you guys, it's just.. I don't know what to say to that, honestly".

Jongho truly didn't. He could solve the world's hardest math equation before he could give anyone, even himself an answer to what's happening between him and Mingi.

A young girl with big round eyes and chubby cheeks approached their table with the milkshakes they had ordered.

"Here you guys go, enjoy! Oh, and this note is for you!" The girl exclaimed with a big smile as she handed Yunho a small piece of paper.

Yunho looked at her with a confused expression but thanked her nonetheless.

"Thank you.. Eunchae" Yunho spoke sweetly, addressing her by her name after reading her name tag.

The girl bowed politely before leaving the curious boys to themselves. Wooyoung was obviously the first one to speak up.

"What's that, a note? From who? What does it say?" Wooyoung asked whatever questions that popped up his head. "Or are you gonna keep it a secret just like Jongho?" Wooyoung asked as he grabbed his milkshake and slouched against his seat.

Jongho rolled his eyes, grabbing his own drink as well. "Don't be a nuisance".

Yunho smiled and shook his head as he unraveled the paper. The note read: " Would you like to go out for donuts, possibly a movie and dinner as well this weekend? - Yeo ".

Yunho looked behind him only to find the male staring at him from behind the counter. Yunho gave him a sweet smile, his cheeks dusted a light shade of pink as he nodded his head at the older. Yeosang shook his head slowly, looking down at anything but Yunho's eyes to hide his own smile.

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