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Jongho woke up the next morning doubled over the trash can

He felt like complete shit.

What made him think chugging three full cups of tequila was a good idea?

He was just lucky he was still alive, and there was no way he could go to school tomorrow, unless a miracle happened.

"Fuck, what the hell am I doing? My parents paid for me to get a good education and this is what I'm doing instead? If they found out, they'd be so disappointed in me" Jongho argued with himself.

"I wasn't ready to start college anyways! This is their fault!" Jongho argued back as he hurled into the trash can.

Jongho wanted to cry from how awful he felt. He couldn't get up to go to the bathroom because his head was still spinning, making him incredibly nauseous. He was thankful someone placed the trash next to his bed, because if not, it would've been all over his floor.

His head began to pound, making him want to scream.

He laid his head against his bed as he allowed for his tears to escape.

He whimpered quietly at first, but began to whail loudly as his head started to pound harder because of the crying. His crying stopped momentarily as he puked into the trash.

There was then a loud knock at the door.

"Jongho? It's Mingi. I'm coming in, okay?".

The door suddenly opened, Mingi rushing to Jongho's side when he.notices the boy on the floor.

Mingi rubbed the younger's back in comforting circles as he continued to vomit.

"Fuck Jongho, why did you drink so much? You should've eaten something before drinking all of that" Mingi scolded him. He partially blamed himself for bringing the alcohol but it was a party. What was he suppose to bring, apple juice?

Jongho cried as he glared at Mingi through his wet eyelashes.

"I told you all I wanted to do was relax, but noooo. You just had to have your stupid party with all your stupid friends and your stupid boyfri-" Jongho cut himself off to spill his guts into the trash.

Mingi felt so bad for him. He had every right to feel upset but he didn't mean for him to get that fucked up. It was Jongho's first time drinking too, so he should've monitored his alcohol intake.

Jongho's head lulled to the side, sliding off of the bed and onto Mingi's chest.

He cried hard as he held onto Mingi for dear life. "Mingi.." Jongho cried out for the older.

Mingi held the boy close in his arms, caressing his long fingers through his hair. "Yes Jongho? I'm right here".

"It hurts Mingi.. It hurts so bad" he chocked out.

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