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⚠️ This is the only warning I will put in a chapter! Please refer to the Story's Bio or Intro for the full list of trigger warnings this book contains! Thank You! ⚠️


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"I think it's only fair that we talk about what happened Mingi. I don't want to start this year off on the wrong foot" Minho said, caressing Mingi's hand gently. Mingi slowly pulled his hand away.

"Why? What more is there to talk about? It happened and that's that. Do you want me to grovel on my knees for your forgiveness?" Mingi's tone harsh, crossing his arms over his chest.

Minho sighed deeply, "No, it's just.. I don't want any bad blood between us. I still care about you Mingi, and I feel like complete shit about what happened. It was mostly my fault and I could never imagine what you had to go through-".

"No, you couldn't. You'll never understood either" Mingi shot up from his seat, grabbing his books and heading straight for the door. Minho quickly did the same, catching up to the taller.

"Mingi please! I can't understand if you don't let me. Give me that option" Minho pleaded. Mingi stopped walking, turning back to face Minho. "Not here, now's not the place".

"Then what about your dorm?". Mingi bit his bottom lip, mind going straight to Jongho. The younger was probably still out getting his things for school. It was his first year so he's sure to have gotten lost. He might have some time on his hands.

"Fine. Lead the way. You're obviously very familiar with where the dorm is" Mingi stepped aside, waiting for the other to go. "Gimme your books".

Minho smiled at him sweetly, handing the heavy books over.

Mingi was an asshole but he still had some gentleman qualities.


The two males arrived at the dorm 15 minutes later, Mingi setting down their books on the table with a huff.

"This place still looks the same. I'm surprised it's actually clean in here" Minho joked, Mingi rolling his eyes, making his way to his room.

"I got a joint ready. You wanna smoke?" Mingi shouted from his room.

"Just weed?" Minho shouted back. A few seconds later, Mingi came shuffling back into the living room, joint in hand. "Just weed".

They walked to the balcony, closing the sliding door behind them to keep the smoke out. "So, where do we start?" Mingi asked, putting the joint between his lips and lighting it up.

GUILTY | Jongho x Mingi FF (JonGi) |Where stories live. Discover now