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Mingi had woken up feeling like utter garbage. His head felt like it was pounding and spinning, making him feel even more nauseous.

San had left after putting him to bed, but he woke up again only 2.5 hours later. He was having a bad come down and he felt super anxious. He definitely did not want to do Ecstasy anymore.

A wave of guilt and shame- disgust washed over him and he felt sick. He rushed out of his room and ran into the bathroom. He began dry heaving over over the toilet, nothing coming out due to him already emptying his guts a few hours prior. Mingi wanted to scream, wanted to punch a wall or maybe even himself. How could he do that to Jongho? How could he be so fucking heartless?

Mingi sobbed uncontrollably. He couldn't stop the overwhelming feeling taking over him.

He didn't deserve to cry. He didn't deserve the comfort of his best friend. He didn't deserve to be free. He should be locked away in prison to rot.

Mingi stumbled back onto his shaky legs, holding onto the counter top to keep himself up. He looked at himself in the mirror, hating who he saw. He saw nothing but a monster staring back at him.

That's what he was. A monster.

Mingi decided he might feel a bit better if he showered. He turned on the water, undressing himself and stepping inside when it was ready. His body detensed, his eyes closing from the pounding headache. He endured it, knowing Jongho must be feeling much worse. He knew he was.

After a half hour, he decided to get out. He didn't feel any better about himself though. It helped temporarily, just like how taking drugs helps him temporarily. Unless it completely fucks him over, like in this situation.

He knew he shouldn't have taken Ecstasy, but seeing Minho again and everyone getting on his case put him in a spiral. He didn't know how to deal with everything, and weed wasn't cutting it.

He needs to finally see a therapist. He's been holding back on it for years, but he thought it'd be a waste of time. Going to therapy doesn't solve anything and Mingi had more important things to worry about. After last night though, he was sure he didn't need a therapist. Who needs one while you're locked up, right?

Mingi felt nauseous again, but took deep breaths and he got himself dressed. He was scared, but so was Jongho last night. He deserved everything he had coming to him.

He wanted to at least apologize to Jongho. He didn't deserve to be assaulted, hurt, scared. He didn't deserve any of it.

"He wouldn't want to see me again after last night, there's no way I can face him" Mingi spoke to himself quietly, as he stared at himself in the mirror. A monster.

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