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Jongho was furious.

After going back to his class to grab his things and explain to his professor that he had really bad "diarrhea" and needed to leave early, he had went back to his dorm with Wooyoung, but he was completely over it.

Mingi made him feel as though he was in the wrong when he himself was the one in danger.

"What are we gonna do? Do you think they'll come back for us?" Wooyoung spoke quietly with his head down. He was mentally and physically drained and wanted nothing but to hide away from the world.

This was traumatic for him and he was trying his hardest not to break.

Jongho paced back and forth in his shared dorm, running his hands through his dark locks as he was in deep thought.

"Jongho.. I'm scared. W-what if they try to kill u-us next time?" Wooyoung stuttered out in fear as he brought his knees to his chest on the couch.

"Hyung, don't worry. There won't be a next time. I'm sure they won't mess with us anymore. I mean, they just had guns pulled on them for crying out oud" Jongho said, the ending sounded unbelievable as it came out of his mouth. Not in a million years did he think he'd ever have to say that sentence.

"We're not the only ones they want. Don't forget, they attacked Seonghwa Hyung first. Seems like no one is safe from those menaces" Jongho said as he sat down next to Wooyoung.

He pulled out his phone, shooting Yunho a voice message about everything that had happened. He had only seen his friends come back into the class to grab their things but they never really explained what actually happened.

About a minute later, the front door swung open, Mingi and San walking in with an angry look on their faces.

They were terrible at hiding how they felt and wore their emotions on their face like a mask.

"Get up, now. We're going to my room to talk" Mingi stated as he stood by the hallway, waiting for Jongho to get up and follow him to his room.

Jongho looked Mingi up and down before shakimg his head.

"No, I don't want to. I don't want to talk to you" Jongho said, now turning his attention to San. "You neither".

San cracked his neck before walking away to take a deep breath.

Mingi stared at Jongho without a word, his expression blank and unreadable.

Jongho would be lyjng if he didn't admit that it was starting to scare him. He looked as though he was one hair away from snapping and jongho wanted no parts of it.

Was that gonna stop him from going against what Mingi wanted him to do?

Hell no.

Jongho turned back towards Mingi, raising his eyebrow at the older male as if he was crazy.

GUILTY | Jongho x Mingi FF (JonGi) |Where stories live. Discover now