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It's been 3 days since Jongho had moved into the dorm and Mingi has made it his mission to avoid him at all cost.

The said roommate hadn't been seen in the last 72 hours and Jongho was sure it was because of the little argument they had when they first met. He didn't want to end things off that way, but he didn't really know what to do. Jongho was an only child, so he didn't have any experience in this field with siblings nor friends.

He was a bit worried about the other, considering he does live here with him. Where could he have gone?

Jongho really wanted to apologize to Mingi, make things right between them. He didn't want him feeling miserable in his own home.

Jongho walked cautiously towards Mingi's bedroom and knocked. No answer. He waited about a minute before knocking again, this time a bit harder. Again, he received no answer. "No surprise, he's still gone" Jongho thought to himself. Defeated, he turned to walk away but something in the back of his mind convinced him that Mingi could be inside, asleep.

"You're playing with fire Jjong" Jongho whispered, taking a deep breath as he grabbed onto Mingi's door knob. "I'll just peek in to make sure" he reassured himself. Once opening the door, he could see that Mingi was nowhere to be found. Jongho sighed in relief and disappointment. He walked inside more, admiring Mingi's choice of decor.

He had posters of men he's never seen before (most likely celebrities) who weren't sporting shirts. They had defined abs and muscles, and Jongho would be lying if he didn't think they were good looking. He walked over to Mingi's desk and noticed a picture frame of a little boy and a older woman. "Aww, This must be him and his mother" Jongho thought to himself with a smile. Jongho then walked over to where Mingi's bed was, a big black box sat right in the middle of it. Jongho gently sat down on Mingi's bed, placing his hand on the lid.

"This is too much Jjong. We said we'd just peak inside, not snoop through his belongings" he scolded himself. He couldn't fight off the urge to look inside, and with a defeated sigh he opened the box.

What he found inside made him freeze in his spot.

There were dozens of bags of what he could make out to be weed, pills, and baggies of white powder he quite frankly didn't want to know what it was.

At that moment, a door was heard closing, startling Jongho. Is Mingi finally back? Shit, I can't let him see me snooping around his belongings! Jongho quickly closed the lid of the box and stood up from the bed when Mingi appeared in the doorway.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!".

"Oh, I was just looking for you. I had noticed you've been gone for a few days and I wanted to apologize-".

"That doesn't explain why you're in my room. This is my fucking personal space".

"I understand that, but I knocked a few times and no one answered-".

GUILTY | Jongho x Mingi FF (JonGi) |Where stories live. Discover now