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Jongho, Wooyoung and Yunho had all just finished their classes and were headed to get something to eat. They were waiting for the bus since all three of them didn't drive but they would manage.

"What was going on between you and what's his name?-"

"Mingi" Wooyoung chimed in.

"Yeah, Mingi? What happened? I saw you push him away " Yunho asked Jongho, who averted his eyes away from his two friends because he knew he was about to lie.

He himself didn't really know what was happening. Everything was moving too fast for him, so if he couldn't answer himself, there was no way he could possibly give them one.

Jongho leaned against the pole, sighing loudly. "Nothing happened, I promise. Let's just drop it, okay? It's been a real tiring first day" Jongho pleaded.

"Fine, but we're just worried. I heard in my dance class that they aren't a great group of people to hang around. They're pretty popular but they don't have a good reputation. They're somehow always getting into trouble, especially Mingi" Wooyoung stated, crossing his arms.

It didn't take Wooyoung telling Jongho that for him to figure that out himself. He knew Mingi was trouble.

"They can't be that bad, and besides, we don't know them personally. They might just be misjudged" Yunho said sweetly. They did seem intimidating but Yunho was an optimistic person.

"Mingi's not a bad person, the world's just been bad to him" Jongho thought to himself.

"I guess so, just be careful Jongho" Wooyoung said, only looking out for his friend. Just then, a black car pulled up in front of the three.

The passenger window rolled down, Mingi leaning forward in the driver's seat. "Get in".

Jongho blinked a few times, looking back at his friends, the two shrugging. "Oh, okay Hyung" Jongho said, grabbing for the backseat door.

"Get in the front" Mingi said once he opened the backseat door. "They can sit in the back" Mingi said pointing to Yunho and Wooyoung.

Once they all were seated and situated, Mingi turned to the younger. "Where are y'all headed? I can give you guys a lift".

"We're gonna go grab some lunch at a nearby cafe. I'll put the address in" Jongho said, tapping the address into his car's GPS.

"You can join us if you'd like" Yunho offered Mingi but the male declined.

"I don't want to intrude on whatever you guys got going on, besides I have some business I need to take care of anyways" Mingi replied, not really wanting to elaborate on what business in particular.

Mingi began to drive, Wooyoung and Yunho falling into their own debate about who would survive on an abandoned island. Jongho was spacing out, staring out the window and watching the world pass by him when he felt a big hand wrap around his left thigh.

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